Moved here a couple years ago, initially met the neighbors and know their names, but haven’t had more than a handful of couple sentence interactions since then.

On the one hand, I do want a little distance: I’m not trying to hang out all the time or necessarily make new best friends. But still seems like the neighborly thing to know each other a little bit more, to have someone to call in case of emergency, or hey your dog got out, hey the global order has collapsed let’s band together to keep out the raiders, etc.

So interested to know, if you do interact with your neighbors, how did you get started? What is the extent of your interaction?

    1 year ago

    I heavily rely on my partner for the social interactions, I’m not as social and outgoing :)
    She went round to give muffins when we first moved in and got to know most of the residents.
    Since then new people have moved in here and there. The newer neighbors keep to themselves, so we don’t really know them.