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Hey that’s the day Neil bangs out tunes!
i got it immediately and i hate myself for it
I’m lost on what one has to do with Homestuck.
Also what LMS is that?
April 13, 4/13, recurring number in homestuck.
I’m using canvas.
Oh right. I didn’t even notice the date.
Are there any confiftent rulef for which placef an “f” can replace an “s” ?
There are conſiſtent rules, but they differ from century to century. This blog poſt has a liſt of rules for Engliſh 17th/18th-century books (you need to ſcroll down a bit). Perhaps one of the moſt important rules is that you only uſe ſhort s at the end of words, with ſome exceptions, of courſe.