Was considering to get a grid mat, large- at least A2 or so - of those you can write and erase. After searching online I found few options, and they’re a bit pricey.
Any recommendations? I don’t need anything fancy. Just a large laminated grid that can be rolled up. Thanks
Get an A2-sized paper grid map (FAR cheaper than laminated) and then get an A2-size piece of that plastic sheeting they use in cheap restaurants to protect the tablecloth (about 1.5mm thick transparent, soft plastic).
That’s what I use (well, mine are bespoke to fit my table) and not only does it give me RPG-related grid map capabilities, it’s also good for holding board game boards and displays in place, protecting them from drinks and food stains, while giving a surface that you can write on and that gives good grip for playing pieces.
Optionally, since the plastic cover is so good at holding things in place, you can get two A3-sized or four A4-sized grid maps which is easier to find and far cheaper than an A2-sized one would be. That way you’re only paying the price for a single A2-sized sheet of plastic cover.
I’ll look into that, thanks for the suggestion
Your friendly local office supplies shop would be happy to print and laminate any image at any size you wish.
Nice I’ll have a look
I love the Pathfinder basic flip mat and bigger basic flip mat. You can use wet and dry erase on them. They’ll last forever. They’re really easy to care for. And they’re inexpensive.
They fold up instead of rolling up but they’re great.
I’ve been using two chessex battle maps for a few months now and they’re great too but dry erase only, more expensive, and need more special care like not leaving anything on them, not folding them, and using the right colors.
If I had to pick one, it would be the Pathfinder basic flip mat.
If you don’t mind a one-use option, lots of wrapping paper has 1 inch squares printed on the back. Just buy a cheap roll and use the other side.
It rolls up and the marks don’t accidentally rub off. Once you’re done with it, just pop it in the recycling.
I like this idea for reusing wrapping paper with my kid. I’ll have to try it after my kid’s birthday.
I made my own using board, markers and that transparent sticky laminating foil. The reason Iis that we use Lego minifigs so I wanted the squares to be 4x4 Lego studs (32mm) instead of 1 inch (25mm)