My Dearest Sinophobes:
Your knee-jerk downvoting of anything that features any hint of Chinese content doesn’t hurt my feelings. It just makes me point an laugh, Nelson Muntz style as you demonstrate time and again just how weak American snowflake culture really is.
Hugs & Kisses, 张殿李
Again, judges don’t GIVE A SHIT what you call it. They give a shit what things ARE.
And they will utterly fucking smack Tesla over this.
Judges aren’t stupid people (at least not in Canada; can’t vouch for American judges seeing some of the decisions Down South). You’re not going to fool them by renaming things. That’s the kind of view of law that a toddler would hold. “I didn’t spill my juice because I call it … ah … foobles now!”
Yeah, I imagine it stings.
That’s OK. I learned more than a few things about my nation of citizenship when I moved abroad and watched it from afar. A lot of them stung badly. You get over it; even get motivated to try to undo some of the bad things.
Optionally, since the plastic cover is so good at holding things in place, you can get two A3-sized or four A4-sized grid maps which is easier to find and far cheaper than an A2-sized one would be. That way you’re only paying the price for a single A2-sized sheet of plastic cover.
Get an A2-sized paper grid map (FAR cheaper than laminated) and then get an A2-size piece of that plastic sheeting they use in cheap restaurants to protect the tablecloth (about 1.5mm thick transparent, soft plastic).
That’s what I use (well, mine are bespoke to fit my table) and not only does it give me RPG-related grid map capabilities, it’s also good for holding board game boards and displays in place, protecting them from drinks and food stains, while giving a surface that you can write on and that gives good grip for playing pieces.
Starting to spread outside of the USA?
Non-Americans were first to drop Tesla thank you very much!
Jesus American exceptionalism is one HELL of a drug!
I seriously question how these “richest person” “statistics” are calculated.
Oh, that’s easy.
Take the number of shares he owns in various enterprises and multiple by the share price.
Yes, it’s really that stupid.
This is why the long fall of TSLA was such a visibly harrowing time for him. A few back-of-the-envelope calculations with some reasonable assumptions about the loan deals he has (which we lack specific details of, but have long histories of banks making these sorts of deals to draw upon) says that TSLA being at 200 is where trouble can start, with 175 being the point where it’s almost certainly started (and likely been going for while). By 150 he’s in full-on disaster mode for certain, as one margin call after another forces him to dump stock to pay, causing the stock to drop farther and trigger ANOTHER margin call and so on and so forth until TSLA fell into penny stock territory and he had nothing from it.
I think you’ll find that (aside from Tesla dealerships not being independent businesses) judges aren’t stupid. They issue judgements on what things are, not what you call them.
This kind of legal shenanigan has been smacked down time and time again (even in corrupt third-world countries like the USA!) to the scammers’ shock. Tesla is fucking around … and finding out.
I’ve got new socks on.
Anybody on the outside would think I live in the midst of utter chaos. Yet if they ask me where something of mine is, I can unerringly go to it.
So the only answer I can have for your question is either “无” or ☯.
Ouch! That hurts!
I know. That’s why I was so touched!
Getting some decent flower pics since the spring explosion has started finally.
It’s a bit lame tbh
Why thank you! 😀
Family guy. He, as Mayor Adam West (?), tried to execute the ocean for killing people using “eye for an eye” logic.
It’s just a notion he clings to. He was told “” was a stupid name that nobody thought was cool waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when and he’s absolutely fixed on “proving” that X is the coolest letter.
How do you know they’ve always failed? BY DEFINITION if an idea has been killed you won’t know it existed.
It is impossible to find a depth to which the Ketamine Kiddy won’t sink.
He can be both: really awkward and a Nazi. Or am I huffing paint thinner?