Felon Drink Bleach praising Erdogan is not surprising.
Do people remember the day that Erdogan humiliated the United States?
Following a meeting with Trump in Washington, DC, on May 16, 2017, he ordered his goons to beat up protesters. And they certainly did - with no repercussions.
The Trump administration did nothing about it.
I remember that day. And I won’t forget it.
There have been so many offenses by this administration it’s hard to keep up and retain them all, but that one day has stuck with me ever since. We got cucked at our own capital in front of the world and this orange bitch did nothing. If nothing else right-wingers should be furious about that. It’s insane.
I would honestly say that agreeing with what Erdogan is doing i Turkey, thinking that Trump should behave the same way and thinking that Turkish lesdership shouldn’t be allowed to act in that way in another country are entirely compatible views.
Like, I don’t think Erdogan is doing good things, and I don’t think America should go that way. I wouldn’t want my country to go that way. But most of all I wouldn’t want another country to do that in my backyard.
Trump is a fucking cuck
I have no idea why this wasn’t brought up during the election campaign. Seems like such a telling event that Trump stands with dictators over citizens.
Because conservatives are fascists who want to be ruled by a king. They want a dictator.
Yeah, I guess research into that topic showed it didn’t sway conservatives.
I didn’t need proof that Trump doesn’t care about Americans, but that really should have been enough proof for everyone. They kicked a pregnant woman when she was down and used brass knuckles on peaceful protesters on American soil… not a peep from Trump
He also praised Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un and Invader Vlad. What did you expect?
Of course he does because he sees himself being targeted by the masses. Sooner rather than later I hope.
I still fondly remember the time where a president could be kicked out because of some oral sex with an intern.
Today, I cannot maintain a proper list of abuse or lies by the current president and his cronies, it would be a day job.
I like how his base has no problem with Trump praising a Muslim. Do they even care about the racism anymore or is it all irrelevant in the face of the will of their great leader?
They hate their fellow Americans more than they hate foreigners these days.
They truly do think the greatest evil is liberalism, empathy, and compassion. They’ll back anyone who thinks opposite.
Uhm, those Muslims are an ocean and a continent away. I think this is similar with hating Jews while supporting Israel.
That makes sense.
Dictators gotta stick together.
Of course he does. Dictator bros stick with Dictator Bros.
It’s pretty impressive how consistently he picks the wrong side in every single situation.
Turds United!
Because of-fucking-course Felon-47 would praise him.
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