What a strawman of an argument you’ve created. That was never an argument being made, it was that genocide wouldn’t be any worse because genocide is genocide.
And how is this at all different from any of the strikes Biden agreed on that resulted in mass deaths?
Oh and the cake you’re laughing about? Those are children’s lives. Get some perspective and stop reveling in misery.
Bullshit. It was absolutely an argument being made. “We kNoW BiDeN sUpPoRtS gEnOcIde; MaYbE tRuMp WiLl Be BeTtEr” (paraphrased) is very much the sort of dumbass rhetoric that was being tossed around and don’t you dare try to gaslight me otherwise!
What a strawman of an argument you’ve created. That was never an argument being made, it was that genocide wouldn’t be any worse because genocide is genocide.
And how is this at all different from any of the strikes Biden agreed on that resulted in mass deaths?
Oh and the cake you’re laughing about? Those are children’s lives. Get some perspective and stop reveling in misery.
That’s dumb. Killing more people is worse than killing fewer.
It’s more dumb to think killing everyone is any different to killing everyone.
Genocide brings about the death of the whole cultural group.
There is no little or big genocide, it is all genocide.
Bullshit. It was absolutely an argument being made. “We kNoW BiDeN sUpPoRtS gEnOcIde; MaYbE tRuMp WiLl Be BeTtEr” (paraphrased) is very much the sort of dumbass rhetoric that was being tossed around and don’t you dare try to gaslight me otherwise!
You’re just mad that trump is implementing centrists’ only policy.
Centrists are stubbornly determined to move right from here. Introspection is a threat to that, so they won’t.