Well this is absolutely frightening in so much that Trump is going to force his way into Canada via military operations by claiming fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction.
Anyone remember the Bush Administration and WMDs they said were there but never were?
Elbows up Canuck’s. The time to prepare is most likely closer than we think.
US empire hatred of Russia is not changed. Russia can meet its objectives in Ukraine without Trump speeding it up, in exchange for not defending Iran for Israel’s benefit, or getting free nuclear power stations it controls. China is already on a delete America program. US isolating itself into being useless to the world, makes resetting it and all of the fools who support its debt, a path for a new global marshall plan led by China. North Korea is the one who can help the cheapest. Again, car or container sized works too.
Canada is increasing divisiveness with US enemies list. Bold strategy, Cotton.
The US is a bank masquerading as a country. Bond vigilantes are real, and crediblity for more debt weak.
Permean or other oil basins would kill little while destroying US energy sector. Question is whether it is true that “we will never become 51st state”. Maybe that means we accept the total economic destruction of our country, and all demaning subjugation short of accepting territorial rule. Instead it could mean that all defense of our sovereignty is pursued, instead of gaslighting temporary resistance like Chuck Schumer.
That’s way too big for a single nuke. It’s a geological layer. Even multiples wouldn’t do it. Maybe we could just sink the country while we’re at it. /s
Banks don’t have an army or the ability to tax you. Also, the US is still way behind Japan, for example.