Fuck Lost. “It’s better to never reveal the mystery!” That was the guiding principle, to just cake on mystery and keep audiences following like a laser pointer and a cat. I’m an advocate for free speech, but if someone made a law outlawing that kind of storytelling, it might cause my resolve to waver. At least Stephen King will right an ending, even if it’s the third deus ex machina in a row, you’ll get an ending!
Yeah, it’s easily one of my favorites, even though I’ve never finished it. I was deep into the third season, then I googled something about the show and discovered the last season got cancelled. I thought it was pointless to continue, since one entire season is a gap too big to fill with theories.
Just another brick in the wall of cancelled masterpieces, just like the TF2 Webcomic.
I was talking about Westworld, an HBO show about AI, androids and “humanity”. And yes, I know the original quote is from Romeo and Juliet, but quoting Dolores fits perfectly given the context
“These violent delights have violent ends” - Dolores
That show has so much promise in the first season! So much wasted potential!!!
Totally. That’s also how I felt about Lost.
The Importance of Ending Stories
Fuck Lost. “It’s better to never reveal the mystery!” That was the guiding principle, to just cake on mystery and keep audiences following like a laser pointer and a cat. I’m an advocate for free speech, but if someone made a law outlawing that kind of storytelling, it might cause my resolve to waver. At least Stephen King will right an ending, even if it’s the third deus ex machina in a row, you’ll get an ending!
Yeah, it’s easily one of my favorites, even though I’ve never finished it. I was deep into the third season, then I googled something about the show and discovered the last season got cancelled. I thought it was pointless to continue, since one entire season is a gap too big to fill with theories.
Just another brick in the wall of cancelled masterpieces, just like the TF2 Webcomic.
There were more seasons of Romeo & Juliet??
I was talking about Westworld, an HBO show about AI, androids and “humanity”. And yes, I know the original quote is from Romeo and Juliet, but quoting Dolores fits perfectly given the context
There could be zombie Romeo and Juliet I suppose.