My prints up to this point have been okay, but not great. Serious stringing seems to be an issue here, and one of the things I’ve notice is that the further along the print goes, the more it seems like the print head is almost grinding into the print. To the point where if I’m printing something like a minifigure, it will get ripped apart mid print. Am I overextruding? Missing z steps?
Filament is Overture PETG, Nozzle is 230C and bed is 80C. I have it in an enclosure. I’m running it from a laptop set up with Cura.
Do the same prints come out fine in PLA? First thing I do with a bad PETG print is to see if it comes out ok in PLA. This helps determine if it a nuanced thing with the filament, a problem with my gcode, or a mechincal machine issue (belt tension) xyz calibration, etc.
I haven’t run PLA on this printer. This is actually my second one, I modded my first one to the point of unusability. Maybe starting back with PLA is a good idea.