Welcome new guy. Hope you like beans!
Welcome new guy. Hope you like beans!
Perhaps. I found those types of things the easiest to replace. Plenty of people on Lemmy talking about news / politics. You guys don’t have enough niche hobbies though. I do often miss my underwater basket weaving sub and having a reliable stream of cake fart porn.
Anyone that’s stuck with reddit this long probably thinks this sort of thing is a good idea.
I didn’t expect this. You mean it doesn’t have ads? All I tend to get for hits on Google are paid search results anyway. Surely they’ll soon bring some ad links into these results.
I doubt it, that wouldn’t be low budget. I’m betting it’s a real actual sausage.
I’m excited to check this out. My tastes rarely align with those of the Academy, but this looks like it could be a really beautiful film and these kind of efforts deserve support.
I can get that from a feelings perspective or a reductionist view for simplicity in certain applications, but applying even a little intellect it’s obvious that while statistically, yes America is mostly full of undereducated hateful bigots, it’s of course plenty easy to find large pockets of perfectly reasonable people. Be careful with oversimplifying the situation.
I grew up with the very mention of the word Nintendo triggering dopamine spews in my brain. It’s so hard to turn hatred toward them, but the time has come. They’ve turned into such dicks.
This hits close to home. Bought a domain as a teen and still have universal forwarding setup for email so I have this wacky domain but I love being able to instantly create a working email address with it and it still holds my primary email account. If suzy’s flower shop needs an email address for me to get 10% off if I sign up for a mailing list, I tell them my email is [email protected]
And they think I’m full of shit until it works.
The beast eats personal data and sells it as ad revenue. If you are searching via proxy they can still collect general interest stats but not link it to an individual. It is not as profitable for them.
Struggling a bit to see how this story lends itself somehow to video. Is there a text based version of this?
Technology and progress were at one time closer to synonymous but those definitions have forked widely. It’s important to identify what is a development that brings value and pushes progress and what is a use of technology that punishes us, controls us, or simply makes life more complicated. The vast majority of technology now falls into these categories.
This shift in business model also means a drop in customer service. They used to sell you a product and stand behind it because eventually they wanted you to choose them when you needed a new or different product. Now that they have you roped in via a sort of forced dependency, they don’t have to pretend to be nice to you even.
Assuming all of you are 35-55 year old obese guys with beards living in your parents’ basement kept me safe as a teen and I’m sticking with it now too.
I no longer have any corporate relationships that aren’t either apprehensive, strained, or downright antagonistic.
It’s us versus them now and they’ve give their last shits. It’s feeling like every company is a cable company now.
May his presidency be very short.
Mine works just fine unless I fail to pay my monthly subscription.
When was the last time a small phone that didn’t also focus on being budget friendly and feature-limited hit the market? I don’t think this argument holds water since the market hasn’t been adequately tested. There are plenty of us lurking in dark corners waiting for a small but powerful phone. We are willing to sacrifice some battery life as that is a physical barrier, but there’s really no necessity to skimp on anything else. Eventually an option will present itself, but I agree with the article, the Jetstream is not blowing that direction. I don’t anticipate such an option will present anytime soon. All pendulums swing back eventually though.
Fair enough, maybe not more wholesome, but more consistently enjoyable than most post 2020 films imo.
Do the same prints come out fine in PLA? First thing I do with a bad PETG print is to see if it comes out ok in PLA. This helps determine if it a nuanced thing with the filament, a problem with my gcode, or a mechincal machine issue (belt tension) xyz calibration, etc.