Right now, as someone not from the US, star spangled banned would ruin the evening more than anything else I could think of. Everyone can recognize it, arguments would follow.
“what what in the butt” with the dance, no censorship to save them when it’s live.
Saw this irl once. Two dudes, totally tone-deaf decide to sing Aqualung by Jethro Tull…
…as a duet.
Same bar had a dude that would sing Disney princess songs every night. He never went home alone.
Shout out to Dante’s in Seattle!
I did this with “Everybody Hurts”. Everybody went outside.
I looked for this to upvote it, but y’all ain’t listed it yet so here goes:
The Drugs Don’t Work by The Verve
Wrecking Ball- Miley Cyrus.
I could butcher anything, but that, I’ll butcher it with glee.
If you would have said Party in the USA, I would be up there butchering it with you.
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. It’s a Debbie Downer of a song, it lasts forever, and it gets really repetitive.
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. Long song with not a lot of singing.
In the UK any of the below should do the trick, with the added bonus of possibly getting you stabbed and/ or glassed:
Gary Glitter - My Gang
Rolf Harris - Jake the Peg
Lostprophets - Last Train Home
A Passion Play.
The entire thing. Including the Hare Who Lost His Spectacles.
(Side note: I love this album, but as a karaoke performance I can’t imagine it’d go down well)
“Peace and Love (Blind Man’s Penis)” by John Trubee
Meat Loaf - I’d Do Anything For Love - the original album version where there’s around 20s of motorcycle sounds and vocals start around 1:50.
This was my favorite song to play on a jukebox back in the day. I could put it on 3 times in a row for a dollar at the local bar, and it would take over the sound system for over half an hour. There are enough transitions in it that it flows back into itself fairly well.
Gummi bears theme song
I don’t know how you got to that anwer, this would go hard as balls
I’m killing the “hyped up” vibes and getting everyone to cozy comfyville
Such Small Hands - La Dispute
I think I saw you in my sleep, DARLING
La Dispute would get my up my guy.
My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion
I literally cannot imagine a situation where the whole group doesn’t sing along to this. This is a batter answer to, ‘what song to bring people out of their shells?’