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Elon gets pretty high on weed and ketamine, maybe he should be deported… 🤔
Buddy deserves worse than a bullet through the head, but I’d happily settle for that. Piece of shit is, IMO, the worst person on the planet. He’s worth half a fucking trillion dollars and that’s still not enough for him. This sub human scumbag wants to rule the world and siphon every last dollar to himself. I can’t think of a person I hate more than this fucking piece of shit.
Fucking rich people, makes me wish I was religious so I could at least find comfort in the belief that these fucking scum bags are gonna burn for eternity in hell.
Eat the fucking rich.
there comes a point where gaining any more money has diminishing returns so you instead need to make everyone else poorer to increase your capital
He isn’t their best.
Trump’s wife is right there.
Elon too. A couple of illegal immigrants always around him.
And Elon…
I always assume she’s somewhat a victim. Sure, she chose to sell herself but it can’t be an easy job
This is good to hear but we need to do everything we can to make each attempted deportation difficult. It’s a shame that I don’t know any undocumented immigrants to protect, and neither do you.
and neither do you? who are you talking to?
Hopefully they are talking to people who definitely for sure do not know anyone in the country illegally.
And maybe also people who definitely for sure do not have an attic and if they do, that door was sealed up years ago, so no one could possibly be up there.
I for sure don’t know anyone illegally and never will, even if I have to hold my hands over my ears and yell “La LA LA LA LA, I CANT HEAR YOU”
And why should I make any deportation difficult? It has nothing to do with me.
Until it is you, being deported.
I mean, hell: what happened to initial supporters every time a fascist took power?
They were all eliminated, to prevent a coup.
I’m sure this imaginary scenario works on most of the boobs that comprise the user base of this platform, but that’s not going to work here. I’m a legal citizen of my country. I’m not a criminal. I’m not going anywhere.
Furthermore, the fAsCiSm boogie man is old, tired, and trite.
Jews were legal citizens of Germany. Indigenous people are citizens of the US.
Both have been, and we’re deported.
And, chances are, you are a criminal. Most citizens commit one felony a day, on average.
Well I’ll tell ya what. When the government comes to take me away for doing nothing, and I manage to get my hands on an internet connected device, you’ll be my first contact, just so I can say, you were right. But I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you, especially if you’re a member of a species that requires the inhalation of oxygen.
Also, BRB, gotta go commit my daily felony.
Go for it. I’ll laugh, at you, probably.
Let me guess? You think the Cardassians were the good guys?
Occupying an entire world while you rape their people and land/resources? Don’t be retarded.
Don’t make me post the poem again…
Is it a poem using the villanelle structure? I’m partial to that format.
Meanwhile at ICE, Vitello told agents in January to aim to meet a daily quota of 1,200-1,400 arrests. According to numbers ICE has posted on X, the highest single day total since Trump was inaugurated was just 1,100, and the number has fallen since that day. On Tuesday of this week, arrests of immigrants were over 800, according to a source familiar with the numbers. But last weekend, there were only about 300 arrests, another source told NBC News.
And, as NBC News has reported, arrests do not always equal immediate detentions, much less deportations. Of the more than 8,000 immigrants arrested in the first two weeks of the Trump administration, 461 were released, according to the White House.
I still chuckle at the user that told me deportation was not Trump’s point.
And, as NBC News has reported, arrests do not always equal immediate detentions, much less deportations
Well of course. When you have ICE agents literally arresting families just for speaking Spanish, many of those arrested are going to actually be US citizens.
Fucking Navajo were arrested.
But I will not be at all surprised when Trump says indigenous Americans need to be deported to Indigia or wherever he thinks they come from.
From the small amount of research I just did, it looks like either the Conoy or Powhatan tribes could lay claim to the area now known as Washington, D.C.
Could be good to know.
Would they want it back? It would be like trying to detail a car a chain smoker drove for 10 years. No matter what you do, the stench will never leave.
Maybe we can use it as a nuclear waste dump.
Absolutely but mostly just as an inconvenience to the administration.
Yeah… well the question then is going to be how long before they extend it out so that more false positives are shipped out anyway.
It’s only a matter of time before actual citizens start getting deported.
They already have been. Including one indigenous person who was also a veteran.
That’s literally the plan.
I’d say we’re about a week and a half from him calling for shooting anyone who resists ICE in the head.
He probably already floated the idea behind closed doors.
At a rate of 1100 per day, they would have deported about 1.6 million by the end of Trump’s 4 year term, which is a little more than 10% of the undocumented immigrants in the USA. Thats assuming a 100% deportation rate and assuming every single day is on par with ICEs current best day.
I think it’s likely that Trump will increase the spend on ICE to increase these numbers if he hopes to make a significant dent.
It will go a lot faster when they stop verifying citizenship.
They never started
a little more than 10% of the undocumented immigrants in the USA
Estimated. Let’s not lose sight of the reality that no one knows
The shocked anger reaction coming from Trump is priceless as he finds out that there really weren’t as many immigrants as the far-right proclaimed there to be.
No doubt that number got inflated, much like it would in a game of telephone, when it was making furious rounds through the conservative disinformation machine. I hope he feels just as stupid as anyone who voted for him and are finding out that he really did not represent their ideals nor their best interests after all.
Ohhhh, is little orange man angie?
Maybe someone just needs to change his diaper.
Is this malicious compliance? Or are there simply not that many illegal immigrants?
Turns out undocumented people are difficult to tell apart from documented people. Everyone has the right to due process, the system is only designed to work at a certain pace, and Democrats who Republicans kept yelling were allowing the country to be invaded were actually rooting people out of the country at a breakneck pace. People called Obama the Deporter in Chief for a reason.
Or is it just another example of Trumps “business experience”? Anyone who has worked long enough has experienced “management through terror” where the starting point is being angry on the idea that a terrorized person will scramble to get it done and will do anything to avoid being the target of that anger. Usually you’d have to switch jobs to find a less toxic environment but that may well be a secondary goal here
An additional “tactic” we’ve seen from Trump repeatedly, is to establish a scapegoat first. Then anytime you change your mind you have a ready target to blame
Yet another habit we’ve seen from Trump is to set a goal or targets without any regard for reality. Whatever his target, if he has one, was it ever realistic? Has he allocated resources to make it possible?
He wants door to door raids
Order a shirt from a podcast that I like. It has a partial solution on the back. (Mine arrived yesterday. I can’t wait for some warmer weather to wear it and have it visible. Right now is very much hoodie weather.)
The orange stain will not come close to former President Obama’s deportation record. Is ICE in the rural red run welfare counties deporting illegals from the meat packaging and agricultural industries?