I have decided the best way to resolve the issues of disk space on the server is to change VPS providers. The server setup has to continue to be extremely cheap and incur no cost to the community, and the current provider does nto have plans that include the required disk space at a fair price point.

As a result I will need to change providers. The current VPS is : 8GB, 4CPU, 180GB disk.

I wish to change providers to this setup: 16GB, 6VPU, 400GB disk.

The cost is similar but as you can see I get more resources from changing the provider. This does mean I have to take everything offline, copy everything to a new VPS over the internet and then reconfigure everything on a new VPS. As a result I am selecting 14,15 and 16 February to do this. The server will either be down or only semi accessible on these days.
