I once read that during WW2, German tank crews in North Africa would drive over camel dung piles (for luck?), so the Allies started making AT-mines that looked like dung piles. And when the Germans found out and started only driving over piles that had already been driven over, the Allies made driven-over-dung-piles AT-mines
I’m not checking, though, so the whole story might be camel dung
Shit’s explosive yo
I’m sure there’s a metaphor in there we can apply today
An effective countermeasure would be retreating to within Russian borders.
They could enhance the effect further by forcing a regime change at home.
If every soldier turned toward Moscow right now, they’d have the higher ups scrambling to throw each other out windows, starting at the top, before they get to the city limits.
They just, and I cannot stress this enough, stop until they have taken Red Square. Just ask Prigozhin
MushuChupacabra for president
My reign of terror would be firm, yet fair.
Huh: Baba Yaga is an enigmatic or ambiguous character from Slavic folklore who has two opposite roles. In some motifs she is described as a repulsive or ferocious-looking old woman who fries and eats children, while in others she is a nice old woman who helps out the hero. She is often associated with forest wildlife.
Some kids are annoying, some are polite. Simple as.
Most are both in different contexts.
Fucking Karen Orks. They always complain.
“How dare you fight back against our invasion!“
“You’re trying to kidnap what I’ve rightfully stolen!”
“Hostile work environment!”
Lol I love the idea of the witch flying around in a mortar and pestle dropping AT mines and cackling.
Good. They can put this in their “educational vr combat simulators” to show school kids what it’s like
Oh no, the horror! Disguised anti-tank mines! Don’t they know those are supposed to be as brightly colored as possible to prevent detonations?
Honestly, that would be pretty hard to spot out of the little tiny viewing slits one gets in an APC or Tank. Hell, even unobstructed that could be tough at speed.
Good. This is directed to every Russian that isn’t actively opposing Putin. I hope you step on a mine.
Be fair, or drive over one.
That’s the nasty patty from spongebob