I have problems with people who abstained. The hard thing is, how do you change voter behavior?

  • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago

    openly conspiring by joining BRICS, the stated purpose of which is to reduce the west’s power,

    Stated purpose, eh? Where do they state this?

      • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
        1 month ago

        LMAO, that’s CFR! A US foreign policy think tank!

        You said that it was BRICS “stated purpose.” That means that BRICS explicitly, openly states that that’s it’s purpose. But that’s not true. That’s just more speculation about hidden motives, like everything else you’ve said.

        And it’s a really important point. BRICS is just an economic agreement, not some kind of military alliance like NATO or the Comintern. Many nations in BRICS have good relations with Western powers and are only interested in their own economic advancement and development, regardless of who they’re trading with. Which is part of why I asked about countries such as Brazil and South Africa, and why you have completely refused to answer whether they’re “in on it” or not.

        Might I remind you that this speculation about their motives is foundational to your entire worldview? You have no explanation for why anyone would be trying to start WWIII other than that “reducing the west’s power,” is allegedly the “stated purpose” of BRICS - but that statement comes from fucking CFR, not BRICS! Imagine if I said, “NATO is trying to start WWIII because it’s stated purpose is to reduce the power of non-Western countries,” and my source for that “stated purpose” was a Chinese think tank. Of course, even if it were true, there’s still an enormous leap to go from “reducing the power of the West through mutually beneficial economic agreements” and “conspiring to start WWIII.”

        So let’s see, BRICS is secretly conspiring to destroy the West (speculation) and start WWIII (specilation), Putin is secretly blackmailing Trump (speculation) and secretly controlling Hamas (speculation) and secretly forcing Israel to commit genocide (speculation, insane claim), and every Nazi/far-right movement in the world is only rising in power because they’re being secretly funded by Putin (speculation). Have I got that right?

        Some people choose the Illuminati or the Freemasons or lizard people. It’s just a chain of speculation, each one assumed to be 100% true and then used to build further and further into absurd conclusions based on nothing. The only real difference is that because you blame the US’s geopolitical rivals, you have the US propaganda apparatus enabling your beliefs.

        • LustyArgonian@lemmy.world
          29 days ago

          I didn’t say Putin was secretly forcing Israel to commit genocide, I think that’s voluntary on Netanyahu’s part.

          We are already in WW3. Ukraine with North Korea soldiers made it WW3 already. Wars are also economic.

          Putin blackmailing Trump isn’t speculation. Again, go look at the 3 sources I linked: Active Measures, Fire&Fury Epstein Episodes, and American Kompromat by Unger. He is 100% being blackmailed by Putin. So is Tucker Carlson and Elon.

          I already linked sources showing you that Russia has indeed been working with Hamas. That is not speculation.

          I have linked sources in my first Russia post from numerous entities that yes, crypto is indeed being used to fund right wing extremists around the world. You yourself can just use your own eyeballs on Solana and see all the racist coins.

          BRICS again as a stated purpose is destabilizing the west, probably yes for economic reasons. Many wars have been fought for economic reasons.


          “The establishment of the bank serves as a beneficial supplement and improvement to the existing financial system,” Xi said, “which can encourage deeper reflection and more active reforms in the global financial system.”

          Rousseff shares Xi’s vision. “It is a vision that we don’t want BRICS to speak just for a few countries. What we want is for most countries to be part of BRICS,” she told Xinhua


          As the BRICS bloc expands, efforts by BRICS policymakers to increase global use of non-dollar currencies—particularly the Chinese renminbi—are accelerating

          Participants discussed how to make BRICS local currencies’ use in commerce and finance within and between emerging markets more attractive than the dollar’s use2—in other words, how to dedollarize.3

          Notably, the past few years were marked by significant efforts by BRICS policymakers—particularly in China—to meaningfully increase the use of non-dollar currencies. Some efforts to expand the use of local currencies in trade and finance, especially involving Russia and Iran, are clearly aimed at creating financial channels less vulnerable to U.S. and European economic sanctions. Yet other efforts are in response to economic challenges associated with recent historic shifts in U.S. monetary policy and public sector fiscal problems in emerging markets; BRICS invitees Argentina, Ethiopia, and Egypt are all confronting destabilizing, economy-wide dollar shortages


          India’s participation in the BRICS reflects its broader foreign policy objectives of maintaining strategic autonomy and strengthening its influence on global governance. India plays a critical role in navigating the complex landscape within the BRICS, balancing its relationships with major powers.


          On top of everything else, Lula named former Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff to head the BRICS bank earlier this year, a potent symbol of the country’s investment in the bloc and a reflection of Lula’s oft-stated goal of finding mechanisms to work around U.S. dollar supremacy in global trade.

          In short, Lula appears to want a small BRICS made up of big countries, as well as a rejiggered UN that gives greater weight to smaller voices. The latter would help level the playing field of global governance while the former would enable Brazil to preserve the special kind of relationship it enjoys through BRICS with major global players.

          These are both key goals for Lula, who sees the status quo dominated, for example, by a UN Security Council whose permanent membership includes countries that have launched unprovoked attacks on sovereign nations in flagrant violation of international law.

          “The U.S. invaded Iraq without UN authorization, France and England invaded Libya without UN authorization, and now Russia invaded Ukraine,” Lula told a Portuguese outlet in April. But at another point in the interview he added, “Why do we want to change? Because on the climate question, if the UN decides on something and it isn’t mandatory, countries don’t do it. They still haven’t implemented the Kyoto protocol.”

          Look, their own stated purpose right there. See how long this is though and how my comments are already so long I don’t have time to go into the nuance of each country and why? If you’re so curious, go read their own quotes about it. Or at least ask politely and say thank you when I answer. Even reddit used to feign politeness better than this.

          Very interesting of you to try to medicalize me and control the narrative here. Why not just argue in good faith?