What the fuck are we supposed to say? We spent a year and a half doing everything in our power to show the dems what they need to do to have a chance to win, they chose genocide instead.
Too late to say anything now that you’ve helped elect the orange felon. Too bad you couldn’t stfu before and steered a significant amount of people to vote for the cunt as a protest vote. Enjoy the alternative.
I never see liberals say this shit to Obama or Clinton, despite Barry and Hildawg being the two most invigorating force behind the 2016 Trump climb to the top of the GOP Primary. I don’t see them flinging it at the Starmer campaign staff, who popped across the pond to neatly derail Harris’s poll climb with their shitty advice. I certainly don’t see any mention of the DNC, the Dem donor class, or anyone who actually ran for office taking blame.
But hey, maybe cuddle up closer to your friends the Cheneys next election cycle. Maybe they’ve got the secret sauce that wins elections.
Did you think that maybe uniting behind an evil candidate as your collective sole effort to defeat Trump was a bad plan?
You all say, “if only you all did what we did, we would have won.” That’s true in reverse - if you had all only done what we did, we would have won. And we wouldn’t have had a war criminal in office either.
Why is the Democrat the default vote? How is it compatible with democracy at all, that the one thing we actually control as a people, the vote, isn’t even based on who’s the best candidate?
In my mind, this is very simple, we have a basic responsibility as a people to exercise FULL control over who’s in office, to secure the outcomes we want. And we’re failing to do that. We don’t go through the process of figuring out who out of every candidate is best. The TV tells us which of two candidates to pick, and we pick one of those two. That eliminates all democratic checks on the government.
Hey you can elect this person that’ll slap you or this person that’ll stab you in the face.
Oh well the slapping is so bad we should just not choose either and give the win to face stabby candidate. That’s the dumbass “logic” that got us here.
I mean, I fully expect it was also mostly a foreign psyop to steer votes toward Trump or at least generate apathy and keep votes from going to Kamala (same outcome more or less). Mostly because it’s such a dumb premise of why you wouldn’t vote for Harris and just sit out the election. So I can’t imagine it was truly widespread and I think that’s also why it’s crickets now that the election is over and Russia’s orange gremlin candidate for president of the USA won.
Why the fuck would we, AS A POPULATION, choose anything but the best option.
The population voting for C gets you…what? Let’s think about this. Is it…C? Hmm, yes, it is.
Notice how I made a point to phrase it that way, to preempt comments like yours entirely? And then you went and posted that anyway, either because you didn’t read my comment, or just felt like ignoring the point I was actually making?
You people INSIST we only ever look at it in terms of, “49.999 are voting Trump, 49.999 are voting Harris, your vote decides the election!” The pre-narrowed, individual choice. But that’s not how the game theory applies here. The game in this case is that there’s ~210M people with the ability to vote for anyone. There is no pre-narrowing. Their collective decision results in the electoral outcome. Your application of game theory here is literally incorrect.
People have both individual thought and herd-like psychological behaviors? Your comment could be read as either supporting or disagreeing with my comment, not sure what you’re trying to say.
You claim I don’t, but you don’t show it. That’s the big red flag for “Dunning-Kruger” - unsubstantiated claims, or claims with faulty arguments behind them.
And for the love of god, don’t respond to that with anything but specific responses to the actual claims I made. I cannot take anymore of these circular arguments today.
By your logic, choices A through Z all have equal odds of winning.
They don’t.
I can go into a full explanation about how you’re wrong and you are also to blame for this happening, but I won’t cause were so far past the tipping point there no reason to explain it to you anymore. Just know most everyone here knows you’re either ignorant or dumb. The rest of us know you’re both
The odds of winning, for the candidate that secures a majority of EC votes, is exactly 100% (so long as that process is followed). The determining factor of that is the voting decisions of the population. That is not a function you can describe only in probabilistic terms. By all means, let’s hear your broken explanation filled with omissions and logical errors.
Yes, I have heard this math. Many, many, many, many times. Now, try the math where this is a democracy, we have the right to vote for whoever we want, the election results aren’t magically predetermined, and the 100% can be subdivided in any way among the group of all candidates - so long as the population, or even just a majority of it, isn’t religiously locked into the idea that they must vote for whatever candidate has a specific label or color next to their name.
There are no wildflowers on the road to hell, but it is paved with good intentions.
C is right there only if you’re naive enougn to believe it.
Most people don’t want war. Yet they will go to war, each side convinced in their own self-righteousness. That is the human condition. Picking wildflowers isn’t going to stop the Nazi boot or anything else for that matter. Another way to think about it - Charlie Chaplin’s messages in the 1930s were great, full of hope, and reached a lot of people. But that was nowhere near what was needed. Tens of millions had to die. It’s not gonna be any different this time around, Chaplin or no Chaplin.
It’s not the “human condition”. All of these things are products of cultural practices and belief systems. Not all societies wage war. Not all societies put mass murderers in control. You cannot be so careless with your logic and hope to ever arrive at a correct conclusion.
And we (informed voters) spent a year and a half painting you a very detailed picture of what was going to happen if you didn’t suck it up and do what was necessary to keep a rapist traitor out of the White House. Hell… even HE spent a year and a half telling you exactly what he was going to do.
Remember Project 2025? Yeah… that is the actual name of what’s happening right now.
What the fuck are we supposed to say?
Start with: “I’m sorry” and work from there. Because anything short of this is unacceptable.
To be honest, of all the posts I’ve seen of the shit Trump is pulling, all I’ve seen is comments complaining of the Democrats who didn’t vote. The actual story in the post…crickets. It’s unnerving when you want to actually see comments about the subject of the post and all the comments are “wwuuaahhh, you didn’t vote for Harris it’s all your fault” against people who aren’t even reading the goddamn posts. I’m sick of it!
Like…I hear you guys. I don’t fully agree but I hear you. But for fuck sakes, let it go, lets talk about the actual post instead of going on and on about the perceived injustice the Democrats have suffefed. Right or wrong, it’s done! Let it go!
Yes, I know you know. You are all very smart and sofisticated. But by being stuck on your complaining you are preventing people from discussing what really matters. In my case I see a post about the latest Trump antic, I go in with a opinion to give and eager to see other people’s insights.
But it’s all “wuahhhaaa…it’s all their fault” and the actual shit that Trump pulled takes the back seat and is buried in your moping. So I’ve mostly given up on commenting on these posts even though I agree more with you than not. Trump himself couldn’t censor me more effectively.
Your priority is being right. And since the shit that Trump does makes it easier for you to feel right then that is all you want the world to know. How right you are and how wrong the others were. And they should say “sorry” for eternity so you can feel right forever, while Trumps rapes your butt because your ego is what matters.
I want to be angry with you. But ultimately I just find it sad and depressing.
So wtf are you doing on here then? Your entire premise is so sad, months after one failed victory and you’re demanding random strangers say they’re “sorry” to you? Were you Kamala’s campaign manager or something? Because the vibes fit right in.
You spent a year telling people what to do, congrats. Do you think the progressive movement just started? Do you think this is the first set-back the world has succumbed to?
It’s kinda obvious that comments like yours reveal it’s just some sort of sports game to you. You spent one singular year talking progressively, so now it’s not as important to you but will post several comments saying how important it is for others on your team to bow down to your superiority… because you spent a singular year talking progressively… whoopdee fucking doo.
You’ve also been whining and crying about third party voters for the past year, but you still find that important enough to go on about at every opportunity.
You mean prior to the election? when we all told you what would happen and instead of listening, you all played victim and reported everyone for being mean to you?
Yeah… if you want to call asking people to do the right thing “whining and crying,” sure.
Now I’m absolutely going to go on about it at every opportunity because I truly believe that you should never be let off the hook on this.
spent a year and a half painting you a very detailed picture of what was going to happen if you didn’t suck it up and do what was necessary to keep a rapist traitor out of the White House
Dems made it crystal clear that they were going to roll over to Republicans, whether nor not they won. Absolutely nothing in the last month has lent weight to the contrary.
The only thing that would have kept Trump out of the whitehouse was for the democrats to stop facilitating genocide.
You blue MAGA are the ones who helped them maintain the delusion they could have both their genocide and win. You helped them maintain the delusion they could have won with Biden until 5 months before the election.
The sad truth is that turning on Israel would have done more damage to the democrats electorally than it would’ve helped. Not saying it’s good, just sayings it’s true, and waving Gaza around as “the reason” Harris lost is kind of disingenuous and misses the bigger picture
Yes, the bigger picture is that as soon as Harris got the nomination, she ran back to the cold, dead embrace of the Biden campaign, and supported every single policy that made Biden so unpopular. No muslim spoke at the DNC, but they had cops, CPB, and republicans speaking for the party.
Her words when asked what the difference between a Biden and Harris admin would be was “Well I would appoint a republican to my cabinet”.
Harris could have been a great candidate. The flaw was that she promised more of the same. She would have trounced Trump if she became the candidate we all hoped she would be in the weeks after she announced and appointed Tim Walz VP.
This isn’t a messaging issue. Biden’s greatest flaw wasn’t that he was old, it was that he didn’t fight for the things people elected him to fight for, and instead compromised with republicans, ended covid protections, built more of Turmps wall, deported more immigrants, sent more weapons to Israel, and did fuckall to protect women’s rights.
Right up front, I voted for the ‘lesser evil’ in a swing state, so stow those comments about me enabling fascism.
The sad truth is that turning on Israel would have done more damage to the democrats electorally than it would’ve helped
I mean, you can keep saying that. But it’s not even true among Jewish voters, let alone the larger electorate.
I’m really starting to suspect these kind of comments are morality laundering after spending months backing an immoral stance held by a feckless executive who refused to see past his moral blind spot.
Online commentators refused to seriously entertain criticism of Joe as anything but bad faith - so the message became “we’re okay with it” never “I don’t want this or Trump, do better Joe”
The sad truth is that turning on Israel would have done more damage to the democrats electorally than it would’ve helped.
“Our country just wants genocide too much” is quite the take.
I love this logic because it doesn’t even matter how bad the position is - we could be arguing against sending immigrants to gas chambers and you could still say “sorry, they can’t run against that because they’d lose more votes than they’d gain”. Nevermind the fact that they helped to create the political reality that they are now claiming to be helpless against. They spent the last 80 years making Israel into the centerpiece of middle eastern foreign policy and now they can’t speak out against an ongoing genocide because they might lose their control and influence in the region.
Even better - some of the same people saying ‘gaza isn’t the reason we lost’ are also saying ‘we lost because we’re too woke’ - it shows just how much contempt the democrats have for their base that they dismiss the problem being with their genocidal foreign policy and instead blame their loss on being too friendly toward minorities.
You don’t even need to take the moral stand to tell democrats to do the moral thing when the moral thing is also the only shot they had at winning.
Your stance is morally repugnant, but more importantly, ineffective. We told the democrats they would lose if they did genocide. You told the democrats they could win while doing genocide. Look at what happened.
You learned nothing in 2016, you learned nothing in 2020, and you learned nothing in 2024. Can’t wait to see you insisting that the democrats can win while running on compromise, building the wall, deporting every immigrant, getting tough on crime, banning trans people from public life, and continuing whatever war Trump starts in 2028.
But to respond, since clearly you haven’t read (or understood) anything I’ve said up to this point-
What I care about is the personal insult to women, the LGBTQ+, minorities, asylum seekers, birthright citizens and all the progress each of these have made that is being erased as a result of entitled minions that think they have the luxury to gamble the rights of others away….
(For the record, I don’t fall into any of these categories, so the only insult happening to me here, is the unmitigated ignorance it takes for one to think that doing nothing at all somehow brings change. I hate willful ignorance. Especially when this country provided all the freedoms one needs to educate themselves enough to grasp even the most basic concept of common sense)
God imagine if there was a Blue MAGA, a cult that was just as die-hard about protecting transpeople, labor rights, and all that as Red MAGA was with destroying them.
Its difficult because the dems 100% were enabling genocide. But, crazy enough, there’s bad and worse genocide.
People who protest vote think they’re “showing the dems” when they don’t vote. Maybe the dems lose now but they learn a painful lesson and change in the future.
But here’s the thing. The dems would rather lose to republicans than change. They will eat your protest vote. And they will accept they lost power for 4 years. And then they get re-elected and go back to what they were doing before. Being greedy and taking money from lobbyist as much as possible, including AIPAC, but not outright malicious. They never change because people only vote centrist dem or further right.
And them dems suck. They’re bad. But Republicans? They’re worse. They aren’t doing genocide just for the profits. They’re also doing it for the fun of it. The dems will show some restraint to avoid war with Iran. The Republicans won’t.
So the protest vote won’t show the dems shit. It will just unleash unapologetic genocide instead of milquetoast genocide. And while they’re at it, the republicans will tank the economy and fuck up the lives of every minority they can manage.
They never change because people only vote centrist dem or further right.
Except no they don’t, every time the dems run to the center, they get beat the fuck out. The only reason rightwing and centrist dems do well in primaries is because the billionaires and the party elite will do anything to keep it that way. There’s a reason Bloomberg dropped out the moment Bernie was no longer a threat.
Left policy is overwhelmingly popular with the people because it helps the people instead of the capitalists. It becomes even more popular when it’s implemented, hence why even rightwing parties in countries with universal healthcare never run on switching to the american system.
The dems didn’t lose due to protest votes, they lost because they ran to the right and nobody came out to vote because rightwing policies are unpopular. Which is what I have been saying would happen since 2020 if Biden doesn’t fight for us. Shit, when I was phonebanking for Biden in 2020, when I got young potential voters who were already activated, I didn’t have the heart to tell them that none of the issues they associated with the dems, emptying the cages full of migrants, regular checks for people who couldn’t work during covid, free healthcare, free college, weren’t part of Biden’s platform.
The dems would rather lose to republicans than change. They will eat your protest vote.
Fine, watch as we dismantle and destroy the DNC and build a structure in its place that responds to and respects the voices of its members, especially the vulnerable and oppressed.
We aren’t fucking around and no amount of money or corporate media spin is going to stop us.
You spent a year criticising your own side and supporting a “both sides” narrative. You can’t now pretend that you were trying to help the dems get elected.
There are literally commenters all over this thread (about Trumps intention to invade gaza), who believe Trump will produce a better outcome for Palestinians.
What the fuck are we supposed to say? We spent a year and a half doing everything in our power to show the dems what they need to do to have a chance to win, they chose genocide instead.
Too late to say anything now that you’ve helped elect the orange felon. Too bad you couldn’t stfu before and steered a significant amount of people to vote for the cunt as a protest vote. Enjoy the alternative.
I never see liberals say this shit to Obama or Clinton, despite Barry and Hildawg being the two most invigorating force behind the 2016 Trump climb to the top of the GOP Primary. I don’t see them flinging it at the Starmer campaign staff, who popped across the pond to neatly derail Harris’s poll climb with their shitty advice. I certainly don’t see any mention of the DNC, the Dem donor class, or anyone who actually ran for office taking blame.
But hey, maybe cuddle up closer to your friends the Cheneys next election cycle. Maybe they’ve got the secret sauce that wins elections.
Nah the mistake radical leftists made was not to support Bloomberg, that was surely where went wrong!!!
Did you think that maybe uniting behind an evil candidate as your collective sole effort to defeat Trump was a bad plan?
You all say, “if only you all did what we did, we would have won.” That’s true in reverse - if you had all only done what we did, we would have won. And we wouldn’t have had a war criminal in office either.
Why is the Democrat the default vote? How is it compatible with democracy at all, that the one thing we actually control as a people, the vote, isn’t even based on who’s the best candidate?
In my mind, this is very simple, we have a basic responsibility as a people to exercise FULL control over who’s in office, to secure the outcomes we want. And we’re failing to do that. We don’t go through the process of figuring out who out of every candidate is best. The TV tells us which of two candidates to pick, and we pick one of those two. That eliminates all democratic checks on the government.
Hey you can elect this person that’ll slap you or this person that’ll stab you in the face.
Oh well the slapping is so bad we should just not choose either and give the win to face stabby candidate. That’s the dumbass “logic” that got us here.
I mean, I fully expect it was also mostly a foreign psyop to steer votes toward Trump or at least generate apathy and keep votes from going to Kamala (same outcome more or less). Mostly because it’s such a dumb premise of why you wouldn’t vote for Harris and just sit out the election. So I can’t imagine it was truly widespread and I think that’s also why it’s crickets now that the election is over and Russia’s orange gremlin candidate for president of the USA won.
The actual choice:
A) Stabs you in the heart
B) Stabs you in the lung
C) No stabbing, picks wildflowers for you
And you guys go, “C isn’t viable! At least you’re less likely to die if you get stabbed in the lung - you have an entire hour to get to the hospital!”
Bro, C is right there. Was there the whole time. Why the fuck would we, AS A POPULATION, choose anything but the best option.
No, C is not “right there” when our electoral politics work the way they do. That’s a huge strawman argument.
The reality is there were two choices, one clearly better for Palestinians.
A strawman argument is when they misrepresent something you’re saying, not when you think they’re wrong about how electoral politics work.
Yes, they took my argument and created a false third choice that was never part of the argument. Then said to choose that.
That’s misrepresenting what I said to have that third choice.
Regardless we’re getting very pedantic here and I’m not really disagreeing with you if that matters to you.
“Work the way they do”. Oh, OK. If that’s not how electoral politics work!
C got you trump you utter doughnut.
Game theory has consequences.
Did you see this part of my comment?
The population voting for C gets you…what? Let’s think about this. Is it…C? Hmm, yes, it is.
Notice how I made a point to phrase it that way, to preempt comments like yours entirely? And then you went and posted that anyway, either because you didn’t read my comment, or just felt like ignoring the point I was actually making?
You people INSIST we only ever look at it in terms of, “49.999 are voting Trump, 49.999 are voting Harris, your vote decides the election!” The pre-narrowed, individual choice. But that’s not how the game theory applies here. The game in this case is that there’s ~210M people with the ability to vote for anyone. There is no pre-narrowing. Their collective decision results in the electoral outcome. Your application of game theory here is literally incorrect.
People are not a hive mind.
People have both individual thought and herd-like psychological behaviors? Your comment could be read as either supporting or disagreeing with my comment, not sure what you’re trying to say.
You need to stop believing you know anything about game theory because the Dunning-Kruger klaxon is going off and you can’t seem to hear it.
You claim I don’t, but you don’t show it. That’s the big red flag for “Dunning-Kruger” - unsubstantiated claims, or claims with faulty arguments behind them.
And for the love of god, don’t respond to that with anything but specific responses to the actual claims I made. I cannot take anymore of these circular arguments today.
By your logic, choices A through Z all have equal odds of winning.
They don’t.
I can go into a full explanation about how you’re wrong and you are also to blame for this happening, but I won’t cause were so far past the tipping point there no reason to explain it to you anymore. Just know most everyone here knows you’re either ignorant or dumb. The rest of us know you’re both
The odds of winning, for the candidate that secures a majority of EC votes, is exactly 100% (so long as that process is followed). The determining factor of that is the voting decisions of the population. That is not a function you can describe only in probabilistic terms. By all means, let’s hear your broken explanation filled with omissions and logical errors.
No, I don’t care nor are you important enough to do that. I just want to reiterate that you’re dumb
Case in point - pigeon on the chessboard. You shouldn’t even comment if this is your attitude.
49% of the country is voting for A
49% of the country is voting for B
2% of the country is voting C
Idunno guys, I just feel like if we work really hard to siphon votes away from B, we can make it work
Yes, I have heard this math. Many, many, many, many times. Now, try the math where this is a democracy, we have the right to vote for whoever we want, the election results aren’t magically predetermined, and the 100% can be subdivided in any way among the group of all candidates - so long as the population, or even just a majority of it, isn’t religiously locked into the idea that they must vote for whatever candidate has a specific label or color next to their name.
There are no wildflowers on the road to hell, but it is paved with good intentions.
C is right there only if you’re naive enougn to believe it.
Most people don’t want war. Yet they will go to war, each side convinced in their own self-righteousness. That is the human condition. Picking wildflowers isn’t going to stop the Nazi boot or anything else for that matter. Another way to think about it - Charlie Chaplin’s messages in the 1930s were great, full of hope, and reached a lot of people. But that was nowhere near what was needed. Tens of millions had to die. It’s not gonna be any different this time around, Chaplin or no Chaplin.
It’s not the “human condition”. All of these things are products of cultural practices and belief systems. Not all societies wage war. Not all societies put mass murderers in control. You cannot be so careless with your logic and hope to ever arrive at a correct conclusion.
And we (informed voters) spent a year and a half painting you a very detailed picture of what was going to happen if you didn’t suck it up and do what was necessary to keep a rapist traitor out of the White House. Hell… even HE spent a year and a half telling you exactly what he was going to do.
Remember Project 2025? Yeah… that is the actual name of what’s happening right now.
Start with: “I’m sorry” and work from there. Because anything short of this is unacceptable.
To be honest, of all the posts I’ve seen of the shit Trump is pulling, all I’ve seen is comments complaining of the Democrats who didn’t vote. The actual story in the post…crickets. It’s unnerving when you want to actually see comments about the subject of the post and all the comments are “wwuuaahhh, you didn’t vote for Harris it’s all your fault” against people who aren’t even reading the goddamn posts. I’m sick of it!
Like…I hear you guys. I don’t fully agree but I hear you. But for fuck sakes, let it go, lets talk about the actual post instead of going on and on about the perceived injustice the Democrats have suffefed. Right or wrong, it’s done! Let it go!
Did you think that maybe it’s because we all already knew about all of this shit? So it’s not as important for us to spend time discussing it because…
Yes, I know you know. You are all very smart and sofisticated. But by being stuck on your complaining you are preventing people from discussing what really matters. In my case I see a post about the latest Trump antic, I go in with a opinion to give and eager to see other people’s insights.
But it’s all “wuahhhaaa…it’s all their fault” and the actual shit that Trump pulled takes the back seat and is buried in your moping. So I’ve mostly given up on commenting on these posts even though I agree more with you than not. Trump himself couldn’t censor me more effectively.
Your priority is being right. And since the shit that Trump does makes it easier for you to feel right then that is all you want the world to know. How right you are and how wrong the others were. And they should say “sorry” for eternity so you can feel right forever, while Trumps rapes your butt because your ego is what matters.
I want to be angry with you. But ultimately I just find it sad and depressing.
So wtf are you doing on here then? Your entire premise is so sad, months after one failed victory and you’re demanding random strangers say they’re “sorry” to you? Were you Kamala’s campaign manager or something? Because the vibes fit right in.
You spent a year telling people what to do, congrats. Do you think the progressive movement just started? Do you think this is the first set-back the world has succumbed to?
It’s kinda obvious that comments like yours reveal it’s just some sort of sports game to you. You spent one singular year talking progressively, so now it’s not as important to you but will post several comments saying how important it is for others on your team to bow down to your superiority… because you spent a singular year talking progressively… whoopdee fucking doo.
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You’ve also been whining and crying about third party voters for the past year, but you still find that important enough to go on about at every opportunity.
You mean prior to the election? when we all told you what would happen and instead of listening, you all played victim and reported everyone for being mean to you?
Yeah… if you want to call asking people to do the right thing “whining and crying,” sure.
Now I’m absolutely going to go on about it at every opportunity because I truly believe that you should never be let off the hook on this.
Oh, far more than a year and a half.
Joe Biden to rich donors: “Nothing would fundamentally change” if he’s elected
Dems made it crystal clear that they were going to roll over to Republicans, whether nor not they won. Absolutely nothing in the last month has lent weight to the contrary.
The only thing that would have kept Trump out of the whitehouse was for the democrats to stop facilitating genocide.
You blue MAGA are the ones who helped them maintain the delusion they could have both their genocide and win. You helped them maintain the delusion they could have won with Biden until 5 months before the election.
The sad truth is that turning on Israel would have done more damage to the democrats electorally than it would’ve helped. Not saying it’s good, just sayings it’s true, and waving Gaza around as “the reason” Harris lost is kind of disingenuous and misses the bigger picture
Yes, the bigger picture is that as soon as Harris got the nomination, she ran back to the cold, dead embrace of the Biden campaign, and supported every single policy that made Biden so unpopular. No muslim spoke at the DNC, but they had cops, CPB, and republicans speaking for the party.
Her words when asked what the difference between a Biden and Harris admin would be was “Well I would appoint a republican to my cabinet”.
Yes, the bigger picture is that Harris was a bad candidate for a litany of reasons.
Harris could have been a great candidate. The flaw was that she promised more of the same. She would have trounced Trump if she became the candidate we all hoped she would be in the weeks after she announced and appointed Tim Walz VP.
This isn’t a messaging issue. Biden’s greatest flaw wasn’t that he was old, it was that he didn’t fight for the things people elected him to fight for, and instead compromised with republicans, ended covid protections, built more of Turmps wall, deported more immigrants, sent more weapons to Israel, and did fuckall to protect women’s rights.
Right up front, I voted for the ‘lesser evil’ in a swing state, so stow those comments about me enabling fascism.
I mean, you can keep saying that. But it’s not even true among Jewish voters, let alone the larger electorate.
I’m really starting to suspect these kind of comments are morality laundering after spending months backing an immoral stance held by a feckless executive who refused to see past his moral blind spot.
“Our country just wants genocide too much” is quite the take.
I love this logic because it doesn’t even matter how bad the position is - we could be arguing against sending immigrants to gas chambers and you could still say “sorry, they can’t run against that because they’d lose more votes than they’d gain”. Nevermind the fact that they helped to create the political reality that they are now claiming to be helpless against. They spent the last 80 years making Israel into the centerpiece of middle eastern foreign policy and now they can’t speak out against an ongoing genocide because they might lose their control and influence in the region.
Even better - some of the same people saying ‘gaza isn’t the reason we lost’ are also saying ‘we lost because we’re too woke’ - it shows just how much contempt the democrats have for their base that they dismiss the problem being with their genocidal foreign policy and instead blame their loss on being too friendly toward minorities.
LMAO your moral stand is going to literally get people murdered.
How does that feel? I think it’d feel bad.
You don’t even need to take the moral stand to tell democrats to do the moral thing when the moral thing is also the only shot they had at winning.
Your stance is morally repugnant, but more importantly, ineffective. We told the democrats they would lose if they did genocide. You told the democrats they could win while doing genocide. Look at what happened.
Lmao, are you making a moral argument against acting according to morals?
bLuE mAgA!
It’s good to see you leaning into what your entitlement has won for you. Glad you can own it so transparently.
People are going to suffer but at least it’s not the democrats brand of genocide, right?
You learned nothing in 2016, you learned nothing in 2020, and you learned nothing in 2024. Can’t wait to see you insisting that the democrats can win while running on compromise, building the wall, deporting every immigrant, getting tough on crime, banning trans people from public life, and continuing whatever war Trump starts in 2028.
That still doesn’t sound like “I’m sorry.”
And that’s all you care about, the personal insult to you
Doesn’t even rhyme with “I’m sorry.”
But to respond, since clearly you haven’t read (or understood) anything I’ve said up to this point-
What I care about is the personal insult to women, the LGBTQ+, minorities, asylum seekers, birthright citizens and all the progress each of these have made that is being erased as a result of entitled minions that think they have the luxury to gamble the rights of others away….
(For the record, I don’t fall into any of these categories, so the only insult happening to me here, is the unmitigated ignorance it takes for one to think that doing nothing at all somehow brings change. I hate willful ignorance. Especially when this country provided all the freedoms one needs to educate themselves enough to grasp even the most basic concept of common sense)
God imagine if there was a Blue MAGA, a cult that was just as die-hard about protecting transpeople, labor rights, and all that as Red MAGA was with destroying them.
I cannot imagine a cult stronger than one supporting genocide.
Frankly I think that’s the answer - lie to the retards better than the real MAGA - but Democrats won’t do that…
There is, they’re called leftists and they’ve been systemically expelled from the Democrat party.
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Its difficult because the dems 100% were enabling genocide. But, crazy enough, there’s bad and worse genocide.
People who protest vote think they’re “showing the dems” when they don’t vote. Maybe the dems lose now but they learn a painful lesson and change in the future.
But here’s the thing. The dems would rather lose to republicans than change. They will eat your protest vote. And they will accept they lost power for 4 years. And then they get re-elected and go back to what they were doing before. Being greedy and taking money from lobbyist as much as possible, including AIPAC, but not outright malicious. They never change because people only vote centrist dem or further right.
And them dems suck. They’re bad. But Republicans? They’re worse. They aren’t doing genocide just for the profits. They’re also doing it for the fun of it. The dems will show some restraint to avoid war with Iran. The Republicans won’t.
So the protest vote won’t show the dems shit. It will just unleash unapologetic genocide instead of milquetoast genocide. And while they’re at it, the republicans will tank the economy and fuck up the lives of every minority they can manage.
Except no they don’t, every time the dems run to the center, they get beat the fuck out. The only reason rightwing and centrist dems do well in primaries is because the billionaires and the party elite will do anything to keep it that way. There’s a reason Bloomberg dropped out the moment Bernie was no longer a threat.
Left policy is overwhelmingly popular with the people because it helps the people instead of the capitalists. It becomes even more popular when it’s implemented, hence why even rightwing parties in countries with universal healthcare never run on switching to the american system.
The dems didn’t lose due to protest votes, they lost because they ran to the right and nobody came out to vote because rightwing policies are unpopular. Which is what I have been saying would happen since 2020 if Biden doesn’t fight for us. Shit, when I was phonebanking for Biden in 2020, when I got young potential voters who were already activated, I didn’t have the heart to tell them that none of the issues they associated with the dems, emptying the cages full of migrants, regular checks for people who couldn’t work during covid, free healthcare, free college, weren’t part of Biden’s platform.
Fine, watch as we dismantle and destroy the DNC and build a structure in its place that responds to and respects the voices of its members, especially the vulnerable and oppressed.
We aren’t fucking around and no amount of money or corporate media spin is going to stop us.
Your move DNC
Work within the constraints of the first past the post voting system you have while working toward ranked choice or something more functional.
Joe offered me Vanilla Ice Cream, but I prefer Strawberry, so to spite Joe I took Donald’s offer to let him piss in my mouth…
You were warned what Trump wanted to do, and now he’s turning Palestine into a Trump Resort
This is literally what centrists think about people who are upset about their genocide.
Your daily reminder that BlueMAGA don’t care about genocide
You spent a year criticising your own side and supporting a “both sides” narrative. You can’t now pretend that you were trying to help the dems get elected.
There are literally commenters all over this thread (about Trumps intention to invade gaza), who believe Trump will produce a better outcome for Palestinians.
It is extremely telling that you consider criticising your own side to be incompatible to wanting that side to win.