Not asking for donations, i just want to vent

$100 for 2 application fees, a $9 "service fee"each to pay for the application fee

$30 pet registration fee, with a $9 “service fee” to pay the $30

$400 pet deposit

$1500 damage deposit with a $50 “service fee” to pay that

$1500 first month rent

This is all for the cheapest 1 bedroom apt I could find this is insane. Also why was a 10 month lease like $300 a month cheaper than a longer lease? They’re gonna bump the rent up at least that much after aren’t they?

  • Carl [he/him]
    1 month ago

    Agh that’s such bullshit. Hidden fees in all industries should be abolished, but especially in renting.

    Just checking, you know that you’re moving in, right? They’re not trying to get you to pay an application fee and then ghost you? That was a pretty common scam last time I was house hunting.

    Hope it works out well and they don’t jack up the price on you. That happened to my aunt when she tried to move to California - she’s been a nurse for like fifty years, lived here for one of them and then had to move back to the East Coast because they wanted to spike her rent (which is supposed to be illegal here but they had some kind of loophole).