Tell me, why would >>Russian citizens<< stay in Donbas under this constant bombardment if they could anytime move say 50km and be out of range of anything Ukraine had untill 2-3 years ago? They heroically die for motherlands propaganda machine or their country not only wouldent protect nor would allow them to move?
People in Gaza figured out if the Israeli genocidal state is bombing them it makes sense to run. But there’s not much territory there to hide. Russia on the other hand does seem to have… a bit more to get out of range why not offer it at least to the willing? Why no satellite evidence, especially compared to how Bakhmut or Mauriopol looked after a few months of Russian operations? You ever attempt to reality check what you believe, even if its with the best intentions?
These were Ukrainian citizens who spoke Russian and lived in Ukraine all their lives, and before that the USSR. Why wouldn’t they move? Because their grandparents fought the demons from the west and so will they, because they are brave and don’t just accept ethnic cleansing but fight back.
Every generation a new batch of swastika wearing fascist westerners invade Russia, you don’t think they are ready for your shit?
All I’m saying is if they were bombed, they could easily escape it, or Russia could easily destroy to guns used, since Ukr didn’t have any serious long range artillery until recently. So either Russia was unwilling, or the people did not feel threatened or something is off here.
There are millions of Ukrainian citizens who speak Russian and were persecuted. You are saying “why didn’t Russia just accept massive population transfers and millions of refugees”? Ukraine was attempting ethnic cleansing of its own citizens. Why should this be accepted, an illegitimate coup government driving millions from their homes?
You think it’s fine because you are a Russophobic fascist as I have said. You don’t care about people if they speak Russian you think they deserve to die of be driven from their homes, you have the same attitude Americans do about Palestinians.
To a certain degree. Did Ukr fire shots into Donbas? I’d be surprised if it didn’t. Was it a genocidal constant barrage that Rus propaganda made you believe it was? There would be clear evidence of that, and you people have none and go into vatnik screeching anyone asks for it. And if it was… again why wouldn’t the Russian state just relocate these people?
I don’t know if you get it but the brain-dead mantra about supposed shelling sounds like a joke to everyone outside you bubble, so much it doesn’t make sense.
BTW please refrain from attempting to insult me. For one - it only makes you look like you can’t hold an argument, and two I’ve no respect for you as a person at the moment anyway, so it’s as touching as a drunk hobos mumblings and a waste of everyone’s time.
Oh no just dont report me to the authorities, please!
lold. Fucken misserable bootlickers. Why cant you just come up with clear visual evidence? Come on, 10 years of destruction and genocide over artillery, that has to leave a massive mark like you know the sort of these images of Marinka:
As destroyed by Russia. So if this stuff documented and possible to show is not genocide of Ukrainians, but there was a genocide of… russian-speaking Ukrainians in one particular area - whers the proof?
How about an thought exercise? Don’t want? Tough shit, lib.
Let’s say that hypothetically, the US violently overthrows the Duma Boko presidency of Botswana because he is demanding for the US to halt their drone operations in the Thebephatshwa Airbase (which he has actually stated a month ago), installed a more extremist pro-Western aligned leader along the lines of Gayton McKenzie or similar, began to shift more drones, missiles, F-35s and those 1,000kg bombs into Botswana to sabre-rattle against South Africa and even invite extremist militias from ISIS, Azov, IDF, Pissad, armed the AWB, NAFO, etc.
The west justifies the overthrow of Botswana under the guise of Botswana suddenly needing “democracy” and as a platform to “punish” South Africa for “reasons”. It also doesn’t take long for the new regime to start terrorising and killing South Africans who are living, studying or trading in Botswana. Obviously the South African government isn’t going to take kindly to Apartheid violence upsurging in a neighbouring country, especially when Western weapons are suddenly flowing into Thebephatshwa, pointing at the Gauteng Province 400 kilometers away. The SANDF is deployed along the border and South Africa immediately sets up red lines and also frequently demands the airbase shut down under threat of war (This was actually a concern in 2019 by the EFF who suggested going to war against Botswana if that airbase wasn’t closed, citing a threat to South Africa’s security as justification. Of course the present relationship between the two countries is generally good and war is not at all likely for the foreseeable future).
Time passes and Botswana continues to ignore/violate South Africa’s demands. Ultimately the final red line is crossed when a terrorist attack is carried out in Gauteng by a militant group from Botswana, regardless if it was successful or intercepted by authorities. South Africa then declared war against Botswana and moves in, firing rockets, sending in the tanks and the SANDF begins marching into Gaborone. Of course with South Africa no longer being a Western country, there is widespread condemnations from Western governments and media, the racism factory in overdrive and South Africa is sanctioned yet again, much more severely this time around.
How are you going to react once South Africa goes to war, when all red lines have been crossed in a vain attempt to get a belligirent post-coup government entity to behave? Even as a bigger, stronger nation there are still legitimate security concerns because maybe, just maybe, South Africa doesn’t want the AmeriKKKans or the West in general to point those 1,000kg bombs at every apartment tower in Johannesburg? The situation is exactly the same with regards to Russia and Ukraine over the last 11 years.
Tell me, why would >>Russian citizens<< stay in Donbas under this constant bombardment if they could anytime move say 50km and be out of range of anything Ukraine had untill 2-3 years ago? They heroically die for motherlands propaganda machine or their country not only wouldent protect nor would allow them to move?
People in Gaza figured out if the Israeli genocidal state is bombing them it makes sense to run. But there’s not much territory there to hide. Russia on the other hand does seem to have… a bit more to get out of range why not offer it at least to the willing? Why no satellite evidence, especially compared to how Bakhmut or Mauriopol looked after a few months of Russian operations? You ever attempt to reality check what you believe, even if its with the best intentions?
These were Ukrainian citizens who spoke Russian and lived in Ukraine all their lives, and before that the USSR. Why wouldn’t they move? Because their grandparents fought the demons from the west and so will they, because they are brave and don’t just accept ethnic cleansing but fight back.
Every generation a new batch of swastika wearing fascist westerners invade Russia, you don’t think they are ready for your shit?
Threatening people to move prior to terror-bombing some next-level right here.
All I’m saying is if they were bombed, they could easily escape it, or Russia could easily destroy to guns used, since Ukr didn’t have any serious long range artillery until recently. So either Russia was unwilling, or the people did not feel threatened or something is off here.
There are millions of Ukrainian citizens who speak Russian and were persecuted. You are saying “why didn’t Russia just accept massive population transfers and millions of refugees”? Ukraine was attempting ethnic cleansing of its own citizens. Why should this be accepted, an illegitimate coup government driving millions from their homes?
You think it’s fine because you are a Russophobic fascist as I have said. You don’t care about people if they speak Russian you think they deserve to die of be driven from their homes, you have the same attitude Americans do about Palestinians.
What I’m getting from your disjointed screed is that you’re implying that the Donbas shelling is a hoax. You nazi pieces of shit will say anything
To a certain degree. Did Ukr fire shots into Donbas? I’d be surprised if it didn’t. Was it a genocidal constant barrage that Rus propaganda made you believe it was? There would be clear evidence of that, and you people have none and go into vatnik screeching anyone asks for it. And if it was… again why wouldn’t the Russian state just relocate these people?
I don’t know if you get it but the brain-dead mantra about supposed shelling sounds like a joke to everyone outside you bubble, so much it doesn’t make sense.
BTW please refrain from attempting to insult me. For one - it only makes you look like you can’t hold an argument, and two I’ve no respect for you as a person at the moment anyway, so it’s as touching as a drunk hobos mumblings and a waste of everyone’s time.
Ah, so the “well known antifa organizer” is doing a “like homeless people, I do not respect you as a human being” thing. Lovely.
Lmao Polish and German Antifa at this point should just rebrand to “fa”
Id mostly associate that with hobos as in crusty punks from US, but generally meant a rambling drunk. Feel free to strawman whatever you want ofc.
Sure you did.
your passive chauvinism drips off you, we can all smell it
Coulda stopped typing there my guy
Oh no just dont report me to the authorities, please!
lold. Fucken misserable bootlickers. Why cant you just come up with clear visual evidence? Come on, 10 years of destruction and genocide over artillery, that has to leave a massive mark like you know the sort of these images of Marinka:
As destroyed by Russia. So if this stuff documented and possible to show is not genocide of Ukrainians, but there was a genocide of… russian-speaking Ukrainians in one particular area - whers the proof?
There is no way you are actually this ignorant, so you’re clearly just full of shit.
So… no evidence still? You know you should try to actually prove a point not only demand someone to accept it so such an accusation will work?
How about an thought exercise? Don’t want? Tough shit, lib.
Let’s say that hypothetically, the US violently overthrows the Duma Boko presidency of Botswana because he is demanding for the US to halt their drone operations in the Thebephatshwa Airbase (which he has actually stated a month ago), installed a more extremist pro-Western aligned leader along the lines of Gayton McKenzie or similar, began to shift more drones, missiles, F-35s and those 1,000kg bombs into Botswana to sabre-rattle against South Africa and even invite extremist militias from ISIS, Azov, IDF, Pissad, armed the AWB, NAFO, etc.
The west justifies the overthrow of Botswana under the guise of Botswana suddenly needing “democracy” and as a platform to “punish” South Africa for “reasons”. It also doesn’t take long for the new regime to start terrorising and killing South Africans who are living, studying or trading in Botswana. Obviously the South African government isn’t going to take kindly to Apartheid violence upsurging in a neighbouring country, especially when Western weapons are suddenly flowing into Thebephatshwa, pointing at the Gauteng Province 400 kilometers away. The SANDF is deployed along the border and South Africa immediately sets up red lines and also frequently demands the airbase shut down under threat of war (This was actually a concern in 2019 by the EFF who suggested going to war against Botswana if that airbase wasn’t closed, citing a threat to South Africa’s security as justification. Of course the present relationship between the two countries is generally good and war is not at all likely for the foreseeable future).
Time passes and Botswana continues to ignore/violate South Africa’s demands. Ultimately the final red line is crossed when a terrorist attack is carried out in Gauteng by a militant group from Botswana, regardless if it was successful or intercepted by authorities. South Africa then declared war against Botswana and moves in, firing rockets, sending in the tanks and the SANDF begins marching into Gaborone. Of course with South Africa no longer being a Western country, there is widespread condemnations from Western governments and media, the racism factory in overdrive and South Africa is sanctioned yet again, much more severely this time around.
How are you going to react once South Africa goes to war, when all red lines have been crossed in a vain attempt to get a belligirent post-coup government entity to behave? Even as a bigger, stronger nation there are still legitimate security concerns because maybe, just maybe, South Africa doesn’t want the AmeriKKKans or the West in general to point those 1,000kg bombs at every apartment tower in Johannesburg? The situation is exactly the same with regards to Russia and Ukraine over the last 11 years.
Death to AmeriKKKa, Death to NATO