Just wait until they try heating the raw milk in a pressurized container at 200° F
I mean, you say that. But I think there’s money to be made here. If we just create a new name for pasteurisation processes and market it as “that thing” raw milk. Of course with a 200% markup. Free money!
✨Pressure Purified✨ raw milk
Slow cooked raw milk now 100% less raw.
Milk cooked low and slow until it falls off the bone.
Like that bit in Parks & Rec where people are scared of flouride in the drinking water, so they rebrand it as H₂Flow and everyone loves it.
There’s truth to that quote of “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it”
Pressure cooker sales to the moon!
200° F is 93 C.
And now we have it converted to Metric, we can easily calculate that heating 1 liter, is 1 kg is 1000 grams = 1000 calories per degree it needs heated, so if it was cooled at 5° C you would need to heat it 88° C = 88000 calories to heat it to 93° C.Isn’t Metric cool? I challenge you to do a similar calculation using Imperial without calculator or looking up ratios. 😋
I agree that metric is superior in almost every way, but I’m here for pedantry. 1 calorie is the amount of heat it takes to heat 1 gram of WATER 1 degree Celsius. Raw milk is slightly more dense than water so it would take a few extra calories. Cheerio.
To be further pedantic, milk also has a different specific heat which would overcorrect for the density difference by about the same amount.
The calorie is not an SI unit, it’s a cgs unit, and it isn’t coherent or order-of-ten with SI units.
Furthermore, I’m not aware of any market where you can buy energy in calories. Most will be in terms of Wh, mass, or volume, none of which would be coherent or order-of-ten with calories.
Except for food, I guess. But how much utility is there in knowing that you could almost pasteurize a liter of milk with a fun size snickers?
Yes that is absolutely true, and since it’s milk there will be a few percent variance it requires slightly less. But still very good to get the ballpark easy, to check a more accurate calculation isn’t way off because some typo or something.
Easy calculation between heat, energy, weight and volume is so cool, and actually quite often practical to make quick estimates.
How many grams of fire to make 88000 calories?
To heat from 40F to 200F with 10 pounds of milk is 1600 degreelbs and we can heat 16000 degreebls with 10 buffaloxen of firewood, so, conveniently, we know this process takes one clean buffalox of firewood. Pretty trivial in imperial* units.
I agree of course with the use of metric (even if it’s fun to take the piss), but you’ve arrived at an equivalently meaningless result in either case. Now if you want to use a calculator and go from calories to kWh, it’s a different story.
It makes me so proud to now be a part of the Imperial system, I may even switch to using it. 😋
Not sure what you use to measure with it besides firewood, but hey, it’s imperial: the more units the merrier.
That’s fine, we buy firewood every year, Now I will absolutely prioritize a dealer using Buffalox units for it.
Okay, but how many horses do I need?
Checkmate. /s
Brilliant. Use your
pressure cookerInstaPot and save time!Mandela Effect time!
There’s never been a product called “InstaPot”. You just hallucinated that along with millions of other people. It’s called “Instant Pot”; always has been.
Other things that also never existed:
- Stouffer’s Stove-Top Stuffing (It’s always been Kraft)
- McDonalds hash browns orders with two patties (it’s one)
- Haas avocados (Hass, and always hass beeen)
“Tech bros reinvent trains, but worse” makes perfect sense if your end goal is to grift people.
Everyone knows what a train is, and any investment firm will be able to understand the material, land, and labor costs because all of that is well known and documented.
When you have an idea that no one has ever done before, then the costs get nebulous. Getting funding turns into a marketing problem, and thats a lot easier when the person paying doesn’t know exactly what they’re getting. Every investor wants to be on the ground floor of the next major innovation, and your job is to convince them that’s what this is.
Also, I really feel the need to point out: pasteurizing isn’t what makes the milk less tasty. Homogenization is what skims the fat and makes it into bland watery (and profitable) Supermarket milk.
But ironically, boiling milk is FAR worse for all the vitamins than pasteurizing it. Boiled raw milk is less nutritious for you than Supermarket milk, especially since supermarket milk is often fortified back to its original levels or beyond. It IS tastier though, but pasteurized unhomogenized milk does exist, which is great because it tastes like a desert, AND won’t kill you.
Never tasted a desert, might try that
Keep water handy.
I have, it’s overrated.
It’s a bit dry.
Homogenization doesn’t skim the fat. It breaks the fat globules up into very small particles that form a stable emulsion that doesn’t separate. All they do is pass it through a high pressure nozzle.
True, but generally they ALSO skim the fat right before/during. You don’t have to though
Have you ever heard of “whole milk”?
“whole milk” is often skimmed, or occasionally, added to to make it fit in a certain legally defined bandwidth of fat content. It’s not unmodified.
Also, homogenization absolutely changes the texture of the milk. That is in fact part of the point, making sure nobody gets the crappy milk. Some people prefer it, some don’t, it’s a personal taste thing.
Whole milk doesn’t mean “all of the milk fat”. I believe it’s something like 3.25%.
Are you thinking of heavy cream?
Fat content depends on the cow milked. Jersey cows can have up to 4% fat
Right, and at least in the US, I believe “whole milk” is a very specific definition, so the fat content has to be altered to match that.
That percentage value is the total fat content of the milk, not relative to unmodified milk. No cow puts out pure fat.
Yes, but “whole milk” (at least in the US) has to fit a specific definition re: fat contents. So they do have to skim it.
Okay, sure, they skim it. But your original comment was worded a bit badly, the way I read it implied that whole milk contains 3.25% of all the fat that it should if it was truly whole, rather than that it contains 3.25% whereas true whole milk is just slightly more. Some people do believe that whole milk is actually 100% fat which is why I thought it best to correct you.
I do wonder why they have such a precise requirement for whole milk in the US. Where I live, most whole milk sold is roughly 3.5 to 3.8 percent, and often they actually give a range instead of an exact value on the package. I could buy a carton of milk that says “3.8% to 4.4%” if I wanted to. My personal preference is “whatever’s cheaper, but if whole milk isn’t much more expensive, go for whole”. Usually I use it in food rather than drinking it straight so the flavor doesn’t matter as much to me.
So what you’re telling me is: ‘no homo’?
skimmed milk for life
Be nice to skimmed milk drinking cryptids. They happily subsist on the waste product of butter making and reduce competing demand for the full-fat milk product you enjoy.
We could use the skim milk for flushing toilets and washing cars. We needn’t shackle ourselves to these mutants forever.
You can throw that tag on me too lol, skim milk is best milk
Y’all are cuckoo bananas, imho.
I was raised on skim milk, thanks to my mother who was constantly dieting throughout my childhood. 2% milk tastes like liquid ice cream to me. Skim is much more refreshing.
Also, it was fun to freak out my friends by hydrating with milk after exercising. Skim milk is mostly water anyway.
The term that people should look out for is “creamline” or “cream-top” milk. It’s whole milk that is unhomogenized. It basically separates in the bottle, so there’s a layer of cream floating on top of skim.
I couldn’t say for sure, but I’ve heard it’s better for making cheese/yogurt/etc.
Personally, I wouldn’t buy it just for drinking cause I don’t think it lasts as long.
I don’t even know how to feel about this… I’m so tired of people’s bullshit in very broad ways.
This is what happens when you treat every idea as equally worthy of consideration. We decided it was too mean spirited to call stupid ideas what they are and now the idiots think they know as much as the experts.
Make Shame Great Again
Make ashame great again
“I’m so tired of people’s bullshit in very broad ways” IS how I feel about this and many other things.
I kinda feel like we failed here
Well I guess not us, but greedy people. It’s hard to imagine a more well-educated populace being this dumb. And it’s hard to imagine us not being better educated in a world with less greed.
Rediscovering well-established shit from first principles and a science-illiterate, history-ignorant stance.
I’m betting the raw milk thing re-entered society via the crystals and essential oils crowd?The same type of people that said back in the 70s - or maybe even before - that television screens emitted cancer-causing radiation.
In the 90s they were saying that about the magnetic fields in digital alarm clock radios, too. Completely oblivious to the night lamps by the bed, those also conduct electricity. But noooo… it was the tiny LED screen that suddenly made the difference… I guess?
Also completely oblivious to the Earth’s titanic magnetic field dwarfing and drowning whatever they had with their little gizmos in their normal-sized bedrooms in the 90s.IME you are pegging entirely the wrong group of people.
For at least 10 years the only people I’ve heard making a stink about being able to get raw milk are the same folks complaining about fluoride in drinking water.
That’s not so much the crystals and oils crowd as it is the fuck your feelings crowd.
There is significant overlap with those people.
I have a family member that converted to some weird Christian Judaism (don’t ask me), has always been super into oils, and more recently became an anti-Vax and raw milk person. So that scene is more diverse… haven’t spoken to her since she went cray, but I would bet most of my money that she is MAGA too now.
Rediscovering well-established shit from first principles and a science-illiterate, history-ignorant stance
This is basically the entire process Libertarians go through before realizing they’re idiots… They have to re-learn all of the things we’ve already collectively learned as a society, generations ago. But I guess they just can’t believe that we need taxes to fund roads and water infrastructure, until they experience it first hand.
Not even just Libertarians, just conservatives in general these days. Look at Elon Musk and how quick he re-learned why Twitter would “censor” shit.
It’s like these people think everything we do is just empty tradition, and until they experience it first hand, they will never believe we need a regulation. When the reality is that many of our regulations are written in blood, and it’s idiotic and indefensible to want to go back to those times and do it all again. Simply because the richest dude in the world can’t be bothered to read a goddamn book.
What you’re talking about boils down to who to trust. Unfortunately, governments are notorious for abusing such trust. I can’t fault anyone who questions the way things are, and why- assuming of course that they are receptive to answers other than “it’s a government conspiracy to control us.” Not that that’s never true, but it’s certainly not always true.
Unfortunately, governments are notorious for abusing such trust.
Source? Because that assumes that this is the normality. Which is interesting as a statement, although of course it massively depends on your local government, but not everyone lives in Syria or so.
This always gets carted out, and yet then people always have to point at the same dozen or so big things in hundreds of years of gov history, and never mention the possibly billions of non-abused trust moments in the same space of time.
I think healthy skepticism when it comes to the government is good. Especially if people want transparency. Holding them accountable for abuses is even better, but has been less than ideal in practice over the years.
Unfortunately, people tend to skip healthy skepticism and dive right into conspiracy driven paranoid delusions, and lack of government accountability does feed into that mindset. Combine that with Maga propaganda, fox News, and other extremist media and we’ve got a shit show.
Edward Snowden immediately springs to mind… You can add in most of the law enforcement agencies in every country with the presence of the internet and cell phones. How many eyes are we up to now?
That’s not what the question was about? I mean sure, if you stop after that exact word and immediately hit “reply”.
USA checking in with a very short, nowhere near comprehensive, list of the more egregious breaches in trust by the federal government; local and state governments undoubtedly have more to add: Business Plot left uninvestigated Kennedy Assassination and the Warren Commission War on Drugs Bush v Gore decided by Supreme Court for Bush despite losing popular vote which led into… 9/11 and Weapons of Mass Destruction - wars in Iraq and Afghanistan justified by lies
As I said in the other comment, your reply also exemplifies how people can’t even hold an attention span for more than a single word any more, and as a result completely misunderstand something. I’m sorry, but you exactly showcase how modern political weaponization of internet reactionism works.
If multiple people are misunderstanding you, maybe you’re not being very clear…
Or they’re all americans! Ha! Need to create tiktok videos to hold their attention for the 2.3 seconds I’d have.
I love how nobody reads beyond that word and completely misunderstands the comment. Such a beautiful example of how America got so 110% politics-illiterate.
It’s not just governments that these people distrust, it’s anything they don’t understand. That includes science. Science does not have a political agenda.
Science does not, but science gets funding from people with political agendas, so it’s not immune.
Is our corn subsidy written in blood?
Has it spilled any blood by existing?
High fructose corn syrup’s pretty damn bad for people, and it’s everywhere because of government subsidies.
I guess the big question is: can government code cause death too? Or only prevent it? Are we always safer with more laws on the books?
Would it blow your mind to find out it’s nuanced and good judgement and data should be used to determine when we should or should not implement new laws or repeal old ones? Or do you prefer binary choices that force a loss on one side or another?
The earth’s magnetic field is much weaker than a simple coil in a transformer, as can be easily demonstrated by holding a compass near said device and watching the needle align with that instead of the earth.
The earths magnetic field influences the needle when I am standing 400+ km away from magnetic north. To have the coil of a transformer influence my needIe, I have to be relatively close to it. So I feel like your statement is incorrect.
I’ll happily be corrected if I overlooked or misunderstood something.
The field isn’t located at the north or south pole - you’re not 400km away from it, you’re immersed inside the field, and your compass is showing the local alignment of that field.
Just about anything with an EM field of its own will be stronger than that.