• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The thought of Quark Stars have fascinated me ever since I first read about them, about maybe fifteen years ago, a supernova remnant that is dense enough to overcome neutron degeneracy pressure, not dense enough to become a singularity.

    The Cosmic Microwave Background was emitted when the Universe was around 370,000 years old, the oldest light in the Universe but the way space expands and accelerates, the distance at which the photons we detect now were emitted and when they reach us, is all distorted and crazily stretched. If you want to visualize how light moves as slow as a snail in the grand scheme of things, look no further.

    Neutrinos, as far as we know the closest a particle with mass approaches zero, to the infinitesimal point that it’s thought it doesn’t derive its’ mass from the Higgs Field. Then there’s the as-yet elusive Cosmic Neutrino Background, emitted when the Universe was less than a second old.

  • When I was a kid, our family’s portable stereo had a bunch of weird radio bands on it, by which I mean anything other than AM and FM, the edges of some shortwave bands picked up the radio chatter of local fishermen here and there.

    One time a friend and I stumbled into one of these conversations, the engine of some boat had stalled, my friend plugged in the headphones into the microphone jack and started to talk with the guy on the other end.
    Of course he wasn’t, but his improv and timing was impeccable, it really did seem like the setup was working as a transmitter also.

    Decades later, I still clearly remember the way my friend mimicked an adult and technical conversation to a tee, promising to the stranded fishermen that backup was on the way… into the right earcup of a set of headphones.

  • It could be broken down into a couple of further categories somewhere in the middle:

    1. Where probes have landed - Venus, Moon, Mars, Titan, a couple of asteroids/comets.
    2. Where probes have only flown past - Mercury, a few asteroids/comets, Jupiter and its’ main moons, Saturn and its’ moons (except Titan, see above), Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ultima Thule (now officially named 486958 Arrokoth).

    EDIT: on further thought, there’s another one in between those two.
    Where probes have orbited - Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.