The United Nations said on Sunday Israeli tanks had burst through the gates of a base of its peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon, the latest accusation of Israeli violations and attacks that have been denounced by Israel’s own allies.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the United Nations to evacuate the troops of the UNIFIL peacekeeping force from combat areas in Lebanon. Hours later, the force reported what it described as additional Israeli violations, including two Israeli Merkava tanks destroying the main gate of a base and forcibly entering before dawn that morning.
Soon after the tanks left, shells exploded 100 metres away, releasing smoke which blew across the base and sickened U.N. personnel, causing 15 to require treatment despite wearing gas masks, it said. It did not say who fired the shells or what sort of toxic substance it suspected.
It also accused Israel’s IDF military of halting a logistics convoy. The Israeli military did not immediately respond to the statement.
They are literally attacking the UN and still we are expected to provide unquestioning support?
You know, even though it’s still rewarding Israel’s actions in a way, out of all the support the US is giving, this one I probably mind the least. It will prevent further innocent deaths (regardless of what side they are on, this is always a net positive), and it can’t be used by Israel against the Palestinian and Lebanese people. Let the US take over all of the defense of Israel if it means they stop delivering bombs and missiles that Israel will use to further their genocide.
That’s not how it will play out. By unconditionally defending Israel from counter-attack they’re emboldening them to keep fighting and provoking whoever they want. The Israelis know they’re immune to any repercussions from their aggression. They have nothing to fear, and will only further their attacks because of it. This will create more innocent deaths, not less.
Honestly, it makes me pretty angry that we’re providing defensive support like this to Israel, but not to Ukraine. It’s a blatant and huge double standard.
Let me guess, it’s not “boots on the ground”.because they’re wearing sneakers?
.ml called that too.
This isn’t new. They’ve been assassinating UN mediators since before they were even granted Statehood.
The assassination was organized by Yitzhak Shamir, who was later elected prime minister of Israel.
Israel is the Grim Reaper for UN. And a beloved adopted child of US who doesn’t care of its actual child UN. What a dysfunctional family
Yeah, pretty much :/
Their hoping these “accidents” will convince the UN to leave…
Well, … yes that seems to be what will happen
They were told to evacuate. They didn’t.
I’m telling you to evacuate your house, if you don’t I’ll just fucking kill you. If you don’t evacuate your own house I’ll also call the police and tell them you had it coming because I told you to evacuate and you refused. I see no flaw in your logic at all.
Don’t evacuate, you might be killed. It’s really not that hard of a concept.
Yeah no you’re just trying to justify another war crime committed by the settler colonial apartheid genociders.
The funny thing is that your logic is so poorly thought that you could apply it to all the attacks against Israel.
“Hey, Israelis, we’re gonna bomb your homes! You better evacuate if you don’t want to die!”
You don’t tell the fucking UN to evacuate because you want to attack someone.
The UN holds zero authority when I’m putting my country’s best interests forward.
Just as the rest of the Western world is better served by not getting entangled into the genocidal actions of the religious extremists now running
IranIsraelReligion is a front.
The UN has more athority over Lebenon, than Isreal. Note Hezbula is not a terrorist as they clame but a legitimate party in Lebinan and following lebenise law.
I also want to point out that the UN was there for the spupervised demiliterization of Hezbula with the assistence of Lebenon, the same reason Isreal is claiming to be attacking… also isreal did do an indiscriminant bombing on civilian centers so I would be a little quiet as your contry is quite literaly being the very open baddy in this situation
The Zionists don’t want witnesses. Thats why they’ve murdered 170 journalists in Gaza.
Why would they care? The whole world is witnessing it and no one is doing anything to stop them.
Because it’s easy to pull a trigger to permanently silence people who might become a slight inconvenience at most.
The UN troops have the right to defend themselves.
Especially with the Leclercs.
What’s the cannon for?
Rapid demilitarization.
I don’t see how it would do that.
Edit: Unless you mean its for blowing itself up?
You clearly aren’t familiar with the French military beyond memes.
You just need to know 3 words.
Nuclear Warning Shot.
I’d like to be enlightened on the “nuclear warning shot” method the French have
France is one of the five “Nuclear Weapons States” under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, but is not known to possess or develop any chemical or biological weapons.[4][5] France is the only member of the European Union to possess independent (non-NATO) nuclear weapons. France was the fourth country to test an independently developed nuclear weapon, doing so in 1960 under the government of Charles de Gaulle. The French military is currently thought to retain a weapons stockpile of around 300[6] operational (deployed) nuclear warheads, making it the fourth-largest in the world, speaking in terms of warheads, not megatons.[7] The weapons are part of the country’s Force de dissuasion, developed in the late 1950s and 1960s to give France the ability to distance itself from NATO while having a means of nuclear deterrence under sovereign control.
Mechanically it’s a small nuke on a medium range Air to Surface Missile. They straight up told everyone it’s entire purpose is as “the last warning shot” before their nuclear missile submarines fire their entire load of nuclear ballistic missiles.
The other way I’ve heard the French cold war doctrine reasoned is, “we may not be able to stop the Russians at the Fulda Gap, but we’re all going to be picking through the rubble together this time.”
Has anyone informed Scorpius?!
Seriously though, Israel has proven over and over again that it has no respect for the UN whatsoever. Maybe it’s time to kick them out, at least until they have a fucking non-genocidal government.
Seems like UN is Hamas.
I had a good feeling you were being sarcastic… but I have former acquaintances who have unironically posted things along the lines of “The UN says Israel’s doing war crimes? They must have been paid off by Hamas.”
So yeah, hard to tell nowadays.
You can’t possibly believe that.
I thought “X is Hamas” is a fairly well established meme on Lemmy by this point.
Like I said elsewhere: Poe’s Law. There are people who actually believe that sort of nonsense unfortunately.
Edit: In fact, someone just replied to me agreeing with you, except they’re serious.
I mean yeah isn’t it sarcasm?
Oh, but they do Squid. Their comment/post history tells the story.
That’s not true. You should look again at their comment history. Their comment above was making fun of Israel’s tendency to retroactively label whoever they kill as Hamas.
Bullshit, I went through their post history and it isn’t zionist. Stop that.
Why the fuck are you lying about something we can all so easily verify?
You’re either perpetuating the deep sarcasm or you ain’t reading right. 😅 If the former - applause.
Well that’s depressing.
It’s also untrue. Check their history for yourself. They’re critical of Israel and sympathetic to the people Israel is bombing.
They’re lying to you.
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Can you link to your evidence for these two points? I may be out of date but the last time I looked there were much lower numbers being accused by Israel, and none of the accusations confirmed independently.
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I don’t see how peacekeepers interacting with both sides of a conflict is proof of anything. By that logic all in troops interacting with Israelis should also be removed, and the UN should just take a shoot anything that moves near the border approach.
I would like to see corroborating evidence or I will delete this as misinformation.
It is linked in this thread.
Your first link is something that Israel claims about their enemy. Why should I trust that from any nation currently engaged in an offensive war?
The second link is from some anti-UN website and can be dismissed outright.
The third mentions one single person. You claimed over 100.
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What have those “peacekeepers” been doing for the past 20 years, aside from watching while Hezbollah turns southern Lebanon into a terrorist base? Do they snack on popcorn while watching Hezbollah’s rockets fly into Israel?
Maybe you could look into it. Do you think there might be some sort of big global network of computers full of information you could use to find out?
I think we should buy DarthJohn a plane ticket and a journalist vest.
You should use that network to look up “rhetorical question”
Your rhetorical question better be backed up with evidence if you don’t want it getting deleted.
Edit: 9 hours later… no evidence.
The evidence is the fact that the UN has been stationed in southern Lebanon since 2006 and in that time Hezbollah has established bases all across the region, which is in direct violation of UN Resolution 1701, and now the IDF is coming across those bases and weapons caches within spitting distance of UN watchtowers. And even after Hezbollah declared war on Israel by launching rockets into Israel starting on Oct 8, 2023, those same UN peacekeepers have done nothing to stop them and have tried to prevent Israel from retaliating.
So although it was a rhetorical question, it really wasn’t.
Sorry, you just declaring things to be the case is not evidence. No one has any reason to just take your word for it.
You get one more chance to provide actual evidence before you’re out of here for spreading misinformation.
This is hilarious. I have to provide evidence for what literally everyone knows is happening in the world right now? Okay, here we go. (This is a good one. UNIFIL found a tunnel from Lebanon into Israel back in 2018 and said, “We’ll speak to the Lebanese authorities about it.” Well done.)
Fun fact: an Israeli paramilitary assassinated a UN mediator in 1948 because they were afraid his peace deal wouldn’t be good for the Israeli State
The assassination was organized by Yitzhak Shamir, later elected prime minister of Israel.
Zionists have always been terrorists, attacking the UN since before they were even given an official State.
This is fucking disgusting, and a testament that Israel believes they have so much control over the narrative by Cambridge Analiticising the major social networks and their owners that they feel they can get away with it. If there’s one thing I agree with Israel now, it’s that the UN was certainly wrong - by choosing after WW2, to legitimize the Nazi Haavara Agreements on partitioning Mandatory Palestine and enabling the neocolonialism that became Israel hidden under the faint veil of religious superiority claims. What the persecuted minorities needed were their homes and their wealth back, not an appointed figurehead to lead them into colonialism 2.0.
They’re controlling the narrative by learning who will vote for who in the US by using “which harry Potter character are you” apps on Facebook?
I don’t see the connection between Israeli Hasbara and what Cambridge Analytica did.
In its version of events, the Israeli military said militants of the Iran-backed group Hezbollah had fired anti-tank missiles at Israeli troops, wounding 25 of them. The attack was very close to a UNIFIL post and a tank helping evacuate the casualties under fire then backed into the UNIFIL post, it said. “It is not storming a base. It is not trying to enter a base. It was a tank under heavy fire, mass casualty event, backing up to get out of harm’s way,” the military’s international spokesperson Nadav Shoshani told reporters. In a statement, the military said it used a smoke screen to provide cover for the evacuation of the wounded soldiers but its actions posed no danger to the U.N. peacekeeping force.
OK, sounds plausible enough…
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement addressed to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: “The time has come for you to withdraw UNIFIL from Hezbollah strongholds and from the combat zones.” "The IDF has requested this repeatedly and has met with repeated refusal, which has the effect of providing Hezbollah terrorists with human shields
You want to have your cake and eat it too. Why do you want the peacekeepers out? Why not coordinate with them?
“I was just taking my tank platoon for a stroll on your lawn”
Why do you want the peacekeepers out? Why not coordinate with them?
Because the Peacekeepers aren’t there to fight a war, that’s not their role. The real question is, what are they still there for? There is no real answer from the UN about this. Their mission was to try to disarm Hezbollah, which they clearly they didn’t accomplish. Now Hezbollah is using the weapons the UN was supposed to remove (but didn’t) to fight the IDF. And the UN is apparently just going to leave Peacekeepers stranded in the middle of a warzone because they’re still pretending there isn’t a war happening? Or are they hoping for a conflict to occur between the Peacekeeping force and the IDF? Like is the UN now trying to escalate the conflict? Really, what are they trying to accomplish?
Sure, never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence and the UN is a very incompetent organization. But this is getting so it goes beyond being able to be explained by incompetence.
The UNIFIL mandate is clear and well known. You can read it for yourself if you actually cared. Hezbollah is not mentioned anywhere on the page funnily enough.
Yeah, is the UN trying to escalate the conflict by being attacked, blown up and chemical weapon’d by Israel?
I bet that damn UN is going to get away with it too!
Maybe the zios should stop their genocide instead?
They want them out because they don’t want them caught in the crossfire. They serve no purpose there, so might as well GTFO before they get killed.
Why would Israel be shooting at peacekeeping forces???
Their job is to record war crimes. Israel doesn’t like when people record their war crimes. Thats why they’ve murdered hundreds (thousands?) of journalists
Also because we all let them get away with it with no consequences.
Well there’s some. France has stopped sending weapons. Ireland has issued sanctions. The South Africans have fucking brought them to court for genocide. Nicaragua just cut diplomatic ties.
There’s been varying degrees of consequences from maybe a quarter of the world’s countries.
But we need more, of course. Especially from the US.
They don’t want to be observed. Just as with Gaza where they won’t let foriegn journalists in
The UN Peace Keeping Force is there for a number of things, but mainly to Keep the Peace.
They help citizens in a crisis, they monitor for illegal activity (including war crimes), and help with aid distribution. Their efforts are being hindered by the idf:
UNIFIL has said previous Israeli attacks on a watchtower, cameras, communications equipment and lighting had limited its monitoring abilities. U.N. sources say they fear any violations of international law in the conflict will be impossible to monitor.
“We don’t want witnesses to our human rights violations. These ‘accidents’ will keep happening until you leave.”
Wait like the Actual UN?
I get that the UN has no real teeth, but the peacekeepers do have teeth.
The fuck is going on anymore. Like I get they have all sorts of freedom to fuck around because they have weapons given to them with no control over their use, but this seems to me they are truly beginning to test their fate.
Yeah, but this isn’t new. The Israeli paramilitary assassinated a UN mediator in 1948 because they were afraid his peace deal wouldn’t be good for the Israeli State
The assassination was organized by Yitzhak Shamir, who was later elected as Israel’s prime minister.
1948 is a big stretch for me to agree with “isn’t new.” No one alive today would have been influential then, and many countries have significantly changed in that region of the world since 1948.
Now if stuff like this happened in the 80s, then I’d say yeah, 100% this is up their alley.
oh it gets worse. The US is sending in ground troops to help. Missile defense ground troops, but ground troops all the same. When a few of them get killed (in some fog of war event, I’m sure) we’ll send in a large armed contingent to “protect our lads”.
My personal nightmare theory is Netanyahu believes one of two things. Biden will not stop him because he believes Israel must be supported at all costs or Biden believes he cannot take action against Israel until after the election. So it is Netanyahu’s goal to start a war with Iran before the election, and make sure the US is drawn in.
In this case we know the troops were not Biden’s idea. Netanyahu specifically requested them. And for either of the reasons above Biden immediately approved the request.
I sincerely hope it’s just depression thoughts. But I will not be surprised if we end up pulled into a war with Iran just before or during the traditional lame duck period. Obviously if Trump wins this is all even worse. But putting troops under Iranian missiles is a breathtaking escalation of the conflict.
I’m pretty sure the US is only interested in doing that to protect US assets in Israel. There’s a shitload of money and intelligence there,
But the part that bothers me is that Israel already has an insane missile defence system why the fuck do they need the US resources on top of that?
That is where sending in the US troops to get them attacked and justify a great war comes in.
Exactly the point, IMO. Hell, they even have a name for such a deployment: tripwire forces.
I wonder if tripwire forces get a special patch for their uniform.
It’s a little claymore pin. “Front Towards Enemy” takes on a whole new meaning.
Yeah. We’ve been warned multiple times over the past couple decades that the Israeli far right has expansion on the agenda. And we derided them as conspiracy theorists and/or terrorist apologists.
Well. Here we are.
I don’t know if anyone here is interested in uncomfortable facts, but I’ll try my luck: UNIFIL has been neglecting their job for the past 18 years, and especially in the past year. Hezbollah has been firing rockets on Israel daily, directly from UNIFIL territory, and UNIFIL has done nothing to hinder them. The IDF revealed yesterday, with video proof, the existence of a tunnel entrance into a Hezbollah bunker, 100 meters away from a UNIFIL base, and 60 meters from a UNIFIL guard tower. It’s becoming apparent that UNIFIL isn’t truly neutral, and if they are that neglectful or incompetent, staying there puts them at risk, while Israel fights back.
The spoiled child of the middle east throwing a temper tantrum that has hurt people.
Now what will Biden do to reign in Bibi and his mercenaries?
Nothing. It’s election year. If Biden does something, then Harris is going to be asked to up the ante which could be criticized as a running promise that might not be followed up on and cost her points
That’s the only credit I will give Trump. He’s not afraid to throw guarantees and promises around like they’re Halloween candy. Now him following up on them (especially that don’t benefit him or his friends) is a different story…
Its faster to quantify what Biden would Not do for Netenyahu than figure out what he will do. i cant think of a single thing Biden wouldnt do if Netenyahu told him to. He’d cheerfully drop to his knees and felate the entire IDF if told to, and then write Netenyahu another check of our tax money, to thank the IDF for the opportunity.
Send more weapons and US troops.
Obviously the UN is Hamas
I think you were joking, but thats what Israel has claimed, many times.
Israel calls UN a ‘terror organisation’ as tensions escalate over Gaza war
Ambassador to the global body accuses it of being a ‘collaborator with Hamas’
Israeli terrorism has no boundairies and is not limited to Arabs.
The UN is clearly antisemitic.
/S (didn’t think this would be necessary)
That’s just bad hasbara
Fascists gonna fash.
This is how Israel does diplomacy. They are trying to de-escalate through escalation.
Fucking terrorists
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What bratty kid that you know murdered their school counceler?
Being from America, how much time you got…?