The local police, building inspector, and fire marshal are all contesting my ‘safety’ assertion, or would be if they could reach me past all the traps.
While the theory is usually shown as a pyramid in illustrations, Maslow himself never created a pyramid to represent the hierarchy of needs.
However, many people may not realize that during the last few years of his life Maslow believed self-transcendence, not self-actualization, was the pinnacle of human needs. What’s more, it’s difficult to find any evidence that* he ever actually represented his theory as a pyramid*. On the contrary, it’s clear from his writings that he did not view his hierarchy of needs like a video game-- as though you reach one level and then unlock the next level, never again returning to the “lower” levels. He made it quite clear that we are always going back and forth in the hierarchy, and we can target multiple needs at the same time.
Highly questioning my life choices here.
Good, this is correct 👍
Skill issue in a lot of these tbh