The person who made all those anonymous threats admits they did it specifically to cause blowback against the pro palestine protestors.

“He believed, wrongly, that the posts would prompt a ‘blowback’ against what he perceived as anti-Israel media coverage and pro-Hamas sentiment on campus,” she wrote.

  • Chronicon [they/them]
    2 months ago

    is it just me or is there an element here of ableism too? Like he has to apologize for being autistic and at cornell just as much as he is apologizing for the bomb threats?

    She said Dai has roughly another six months left to serve, based on his time in custody and good conduct. She pointed to a character letter submitted to the court by a corrections officer who described Dai as extremely intelligent, overly compliant and “kind to a fault, making him a victim to certain populations.”

    Peebles says Dai is “ashamed” of his actions, but also hopeful that he will get the support services he needs. She says he plans to voluntarily withdraw from Cornell and eventually pursue a vocation.

    “He loves cleaning, he’s discovered that while he’s been in custody,” she said, adding he’s talked about potentially starting his own cleaning business.

    not that there’s anything wrong with starting a cleaning business but presumably he was qualified to go to college, why play this “oh he’s not gonna even try to finish college don’t worry guys, he’s just gonna be a simple janitor” line?

    Anyhow this isn’t to say he didn’t do a vile thing. just rubbed me the wrong way.