Pastelpunk windcore.
Tent cosplay
Big pant AND big jakt
Scooter ware
Oliver Tree is in a league of his own. Too bad we can’t see that sweet haircut he’s hiding.
It’s evolving!
Le classique
Looks like me when I was 5 😂
There’s a right answer‽
Bless you.
If you’re old enough that you have body pain and need glasses to read, but not old enough to be thinking about retirement then you would know the answer.
I mean I had a pair of JNCOs, but that jacket would have gotten you beat up where I’m from. This is not a recognisable style, with a name, to my recollection.
Happy Lemmy-versary :)
Pre-1980s canvas camping tent … now with more leaks!
90’s Windslayer
Alpine Pop — Inspired by early 90’s ski ware and excessively “urban” sitcom references
It’s funnier when you know several Zacks, and they’re all terrible.
Matrix Ken