For further clarification, my ideal system would be that should the house choose to impeach a supreme Court Justice and then the supporting of their impeachment would be brought to popular vote by the American people.
Sure that’s a little clumsy, but it allows for not just political motivation to rule the Day when it comes to correcting our supreme Court and checking their power.
Quick edit, I would probably also make this a required vote at every congress. At least once a year the house has to vote whether or not to keep the current justices in power or to turn their Fates over to the American people.
For further clarification, my ideal system would be that should the house choose to impeach a supreme Court Justice and then the supporting of their impeachment would be brought to popular vote by the American people.
Sure that’s a little clumsy, but it allows for not just political motivation to rule the Day when it comes to correcting our supreme Court and checking their power.
Quick edit, I would probably also make this a required vote at every congress. At least once a year the house has to vote whether or not to keep the current justices in power or to turn their Fates over to the American people.