You’d have to go a few steps removed, to be more than a gag entry. Like if the agents have also read the book. The actual existence of this anomaly implies Mark Danielewski is only as real as Zampano and Johnny Truant. Even if they can recontextualize the minotaur as a lesser entry, akin to SCP-4205 / Eye Of The Beholder, it raises questions about what’s outside and above the Foundation’s reality.
… oh right, there are already some entries about the readers and editors as de facto elder gods.
Don’t worry the Foundation will be there to contain the situation.
Is there an SCP for the Navidson house?
You’d have to go a few steps removed, to be more than a gag entry. Like if the agents have also read the book. The actual existence of this anomaly implies Mark Danielewski is only as real as Zampano and Johnny Truant. Even if they can recontextualize the
minotauras a lesser entry, akin to SCP-4205 / Eye Of The Beholder, it raises questions about what’s outside and above the Foundation’s reality.… oh right, there are already some entries about the readers and editors as de facto elder gods.