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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • This month did fly by O___O

    i think the quietness comes from the small crowd. Reddit is a internet cornerstone, despite its many problems, and unfortunately it’s where the people are. It’s difficult to convince the average Reddit/X/Tumblr/whatever user to jump to some new platform–for lots of reasons–but mostly because the community isn’t there. There’s a surge of activity in the beginning, then it dies down considerably, and people go back to what they’re familiar with.

    idk how to solve that, though ^^; maybe advertising to introverts? the quietness/small size of the community here could be appealing to people who mostly lurk in the larger fandom Reddit communities.

  • I write a ton of romance stories for someone who doesn’t really like romance published fiction. haha. Does that count?

    I probably wouldn’t write first person POV (just because I know it puts people off) but I wouldn’t mind reading it in fic. Also I occasionally write PWP but don’t really seek out PWP fic.

    As for enjoying reading but not writing… I’ve gotten ideas for fics that fit into the category of “I’d read it if someone else wrote it”, but those are usually “this story would be boring for me to write”.

    I can’t really think of anything I’m super opposed to on either end but would enjoy in some way. If I dislike a trope, I’m not going to read it or write it.

  • Just off the top of my head:

    -The Woman in the Room -Gray Matter -I Am the Doorway -Gramma -Umney’s Last Case

    honorable mentions: The Ten O’Clock People, The Jaunt, The Gingerbread Girl, A Very Tight Place, Dolan’s Cadillac, The End of the Whole Mess

    though Night Shift really is a superb collection of stories overall.