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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Relating to other people can be challenging if it is not something that comes to you naturally.

    Let’s say this happened to you personally. Maybe you saved the last of your money to take a chance and make something you wanted to be proud of, maybe Linus was someone you looked up to, maybe you worked countless days to design and redesign to get it perfect. How would Linus’s initial response make you feel?

    Let’s say you give him the benefit of the doubt on the initial review. You wait, and try to work with him to get things set right, and you don’t get a resolution. And then this happens. And you see his response where he still does not apologize or regret how he handled it.

    How would you feel now? You put a lot of effort into all of this, to be shamed and belittled and have negative things said about your product and efforts for everyone to see.

    If none of that would make you sad or upset, then you are able to shrug off a lot more than most people. Empathy is going to have to be something that you recognize you don’t have, but still have to be able to show sympathy, because you don’t want to invalidate the feelings of others. Try to understand their perspective if possible.

  • Personally, I would say to pick a specific implementation instance and debug it.

    Let me use a button as an example.

    If you have a button, say, Subscribe, attach your debugger where execution will go immediately upon click. Follow the path by stepping into (not over) the base implementation(s). Stop along the way if there are any calls that you do not understand what it is doing or why.

    I most scenarios, there is common functionality that all objects would need. All buttons need to do x, y, z. All forms need to validate a, b, c, and forms of this specific type also need to validate d.

    Usually the tradeoff in complexity upon first learning the code base is offset by the ease of extensibility once you are familiar with it.