the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]

41f artsy late-dx AuDHD married to 42m machine whisperer, teen son trans & also ADHD. We do outdoor equipment & small engine repair from our home, give remote assistance for diy, & make instructional videos. ❤️ dogs, cats, chickens, guineas ❤️

  • 34 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • re: OCD, some podcaster or YouTuber I was listening to who is diagnosed mentioned that theirs primarily presents as social obsession, and described many things I strongly related to (including having “hangxiety” for days after every social function, not just drunken ones), so I did some searching and read some firsthand stuff on Reddit, and yeah.

    I wonder if this is another situation where I am doing something and I think everybody else does this too and just handles it better. Like, I know over-analyzing and extended processing are both autistic traits, but I am beginning to wonder if maybe mine is cranked up to 11 and everyone else is cruising around 5-7.

    The hangxiety thing was just one part of it, there were other obsessive thought patterns I related to, physical symptoms I share, and some checking behaviors that I’m also doing. It was a lot to unpack, but I don’t have time for that right now, so I stuffed that box in the corner. 😂

  • There’s a perfect spot for a greenhouse against the south-facing side of my house, very close to the gutter drain. 🤩 I can combine my rain barrel wishes with my greenhouse wishes with my BSF wishes and my worm wishes.

    I wish I could spend a day with you walking through my daily life and have you tell me all this stuff I wish I knew about all of it. You are amazing, and I am so grateful every time I get to soak up some of your knowledge. Thank you so much!

    Please feel free to infodump about greenhouses and rain barrels too! 😂

  • Congratulations on 8 months, that’s a big achievement!!

    My birthday is coming in a few weeks, and I’ve always felt much more New-Years-y about that than January 1, so it’s a big reassessment time. Unfortunately, I had a couple deeply traumatic incidents around my birthday two years ago, so it’s feeling pretty heavy, and I don’t want to reassess, I don’t want to celebrate my time on the planet - I just want to hide.

    I would very much like to go back to having it be a week of pestering everyone I know and telling them how I appreciate having them in my life.

    On a positive note, my broody chickens helped hatch more than a dozen guinea keets, and I’ve got my favorite chicken (Ada Lovelace) penned off from the rest of the flock to raise the babies until they’re fledged. She is such a great mom - anytime I bring her treats, she checks to make sure it’s safe then calls the babies over before she has any for herself ❤️

    Also, the guineas are complete assholes, but we’ve seen <5 yellow jackets in the yard this year, so maybe they’re worth the trouble! I think I would legitimately, no euphemisms, actually fucking lose it if I got swarmed again.