spacesweedkid27 [he/him, they/them]

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2023


  • I don’t belive that reeducation camps are something bad. I mean we do it all the time with people that are too dangerous for society like mass murderes or rapists.

    I just think that there is no reason for violence in this.

    We can just do it like school does: In my 12 years of primary education I have been taught that you should behave as capitalistic as you can be: We even had a lecture called “economy and politics” where we mostly talked about how to inverst or on how to start your own buissness. The only “politics” we had were west-centric post WW2 propaganda in which they told us how good the west has been for my country: Germany.

    And the dumb thing is that in every country there is you can study this lecture basically at the university. Here it’s called “Betriebswirtschaftslehre” which would more or less be “Buissness administration” . This is a lecture that talkes about economy with the following premises: The human is evil, won’t share, aka Communism bad Captalism good.

    And this really is the go to education for most people here that either suck at learning (because it’s easy) or don’t know what to study.

  • I don’t get how doing what is so obviously good makes you a good leader, that just makes the west bad because they basically helped hitler. Also this "we are in their dept thinking isn’t really a productive argument.

    Why can people just admit that there are some truths and not everything was good.

    Communism is not an ideology that can be done by just reading a basic rulebook and blindly believing historic anecdotes that are hard to verify or just straight up wrong.

    I also want to believe that there were good and powerful communist leaderships, I can understand that.

    How does wanting to understand make me a lib? Isn’t this kind of flagging people what left ideologies criticise?

    Just give me some real facts or evidence and I am happy, if you can’t show me these you are reactionistic and conter-revolutionary.