spacecadet [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2021


  • This is so similar to my situation. I’m deeply anxious and have avoided life for…a long time. Gonna need to find an income soon, so really I’m looking for advice in this thread as well, lol. It’s difficult to find motivation to get a job when you’re already not finding much satisfaction in life. I suppose the hope is that any change or shake-up at this point can lead to at least something different and possibly even better. But I really do sympathize with the anxious fears you listed, just reading them caused me some symptoms

    Just want to let you know that I sympathize and wish you luck!

    Also, how did you manage to be life avoidant and not like videogames? Impressive

  • I saw Her for the first time this year and it looks nice and sounds nice but dang it’s pretty cringe with the self insert sad sack white boy stuff. A big part of AI ScarJo’s self actualization is by hanging out with AI Alan Watts. And they do Rooney Mara dirty with her cliche emotional ex-gf routine. I legit thought the movie was gonna turn itself against the protag but it never comes. Like, dang did I write this screenplay as a teenager? /end rant