Capitalism in practice follow the original definition of Capitalism to implement government by a few property owning elites for the few property owning elites, so Capitalism will use taxpyer money to investment in fast food industry to cause obesity problems to make money for a few people at the cost of the 99%. Another source of obesity is the ability of European immigrants to buy a lot of food from the welfare of their government that provide free child slaves in Indian Residential fake schools, free money from stolen inheritance of abducted Aboriginal children, and free misappropriation of Aboriginal parent’s funding with the lie that the funding will provide high quality education in indian Residential fake school slave camps, luxurious living conditions to abducted children, and promise to make the children into elites of European immigrant society.
Another problem is the lack of access to healthy food. The African Americans and Native Americans lack access to healthy food from racist policies that sound good in name only, corrupted white government officers, and regions with only fast food among the affordable food. There are aboriginal First Nation people who face forced imprisonment in federal reserves concentration camps where they endure planned starvation and planned chemical attacks until they forfeit the fruit of their labor and reparation for Indian Residential fake school holocaust that became the milder Nazi Holocaust, so the financial and social problems from the federal reserves concentration camps made it hard to afford healthy food. Some European immigrants have obesity problems, but most of them have enough government support and wealth from stolen land and stolen inheritance from abducted Indignous children to buy healthy food to avoid obesity without financial bankruptcy.
The British diaspora and Western Europeans now depend on a huge influx of legal immigrants of color to support their parasitic lifestyle although they could still gather a reserves of undocumented immigrants as slaves. The open imports of immigrants of color indicates that British diaspora depleted its reserves of Indigenous child slaves and stolen inheritance in the Residential fake School death camps and that Pax Americana could not use the Bretton Woods Institution to steal the fruit of other people’s labor from the debt trapping, misinformation, blackmailing, and puppet governments. The need of elites in Western European diaspora to betray their own wasteful white people for new immigrants of color is a major indication that Pax Americana order is already failing.