It’s probably on the small side of the Lemmy world, but thank you for providing a no-frills no BS instance for us to use!
It’s probably on the small side of the Lemmy world, but thank you for providing a no-frills no BS instance for us to use!
I don’t think I’ve ever heard that turn of phrase before. But now I’m gonna start referring to all my buddies across the pond as UKian 😋
This is an unnecessarily pedantic take over something that was obviously a joke.
I’ll never forgive the Dungeons and Diversity YouTube channel for the shitty bait and switch channel name when trying to introduce new people to the hobby. They can fuck right off forever.
Gonna have to second this. We decided that, despite everything, none of it was a dealbreaker.
It’s definitely tough to accept that 72 million Americans made that choice, and even more than that didn’t even give enough of a shit to turn up to vote.
It’s disappointing and embarrassing.
Just replying with a quick apology. Was mildly hammered and upset when I wrote this. Directing blame at the wrong spot. Not voting was definitely an issue, but I skipped the bigger issue. Feels like maybe I’m the one who’s out of touch with everyone else. Maybe this is actually it, and I’m the weird one out.
I’m honestly not sure any more.
Well, we did it guys. We saved Gaza. /s
Ah, rural Colorado. So beautiful. So concerning. Lol.
Meh. Work isn’t for fulfillment. Work is just there so I can eat, pay bills, and fund my hobbies.
I consider myself quite a lefty, but really fall into the DemSoc range of things. Not far left enough for hexbear or .ml, and too far left for any other groups, really. I hate being so reluctant to post on .ml communities just to avoid a blanket ban, but it is what it is. Just kinda sucks.
So, way back in the day, when Borat was released, basically my whole household loved it. Then, Bruno was announced! Another movie from the same guy, excellent!
I took my mom to go see it. In theaters. I don’t think I can really put into words the awkwardness of sitting through that film.
This reply is really late, but just wanted to thank you for the really good write up on this post.
deleted by creator
Oh, no. You misunderstood. I absolutely acknowledge that. It’s a pretty spicy issue in my area. It would pretty rad to choose where my taxes go, though. I’d much rather fund schools and national parks. I think that’s dragging things a bit off-topic, though.
If I never hear Lee Greenwood again it’ll still be too soon.
It’s not a justification for genocide, it’s a call for empathy. Give what I wrote another read with that in mind.
As for your questions… I think our soldiers are victims. I was there, so I think I’ve got at least a somewhat informed perspective on things. It’s not something you can prepare for. In my experience, forgiveness and understanding come with time, but it will never be the majority.
It absolutely could, and should. I’m not saying that the crimes should be forgiven, but it is not a purely black and white area. It is very grey. To ignore the fact that they were ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, just because it’s uncomfortable to think about, would be a disservice towards efforts to prevent things like this in the future. People are complex.
If at any point you find yourself in need of a pizza, donation, or whatever, send me a PM! This instance has been a lovely home, and I’d love to show my appreciation.