Someone is jealous that another woman is getting Trump’s attention.
I thought Cowboys and Aliens was a fun fluffy jaunt. I’ve certainly seen worse.
Poor Jonah Hex. Brolin really wanted to make a good movie out of that story.
Someone recently photographed some pages using various different spectrums and found old notes from prior owners in the margins. It also showed that this wasn’t vellum that had been scraped and washed for reuse.
You sound clinically depressed. Please talk to a therapist. Changing up your routine and adding fun things to your schedule should be making you happier.
It would be nice if at the very least the app stores wouldn’t bother posting the rip off versions.
Gee, I wonder why? What an unexpected Coincidence!
It costs less in the long run because you don’t start a forest fire that burns down half the state. Should have buried them to begin with.
Is this one of the leftover rides from Action Park?
Who’s dumber — the dog that sleeps all day, gets petted, and eats free meals? Or the sucker who works all day?
Stop buying crap from China. You never know how poisonous it is, or if it’s made by slave labor. There’s a reason it’s cheap.
What made this happen? Shitty programming stuffed to the gills with unnecessary frameworks, JavaScript tracking nonsense and code spread among multiple servers all trying to render a simple grid of video thumbnails.
I don’t blame the programmers as much as the marketing droids that have ruined the internet at this point.
Yes, and before that they were a general jeep vehicle built by built by Jeep/AMC. They sold the contract to LTV in 1980.
I’ll believe it when I see it. It took them over a year and a half to get their chargers up and running in the Target parking lot down the street.
The GOP isn’t all that divided. There are a handful who won’t hold their nose to vote Trump this time, but that’s about it.
Wake me when the party actually splits in half.
There was a time when these were built by Jeep/AMC motors. People used to buy these used at auction and drive them after they were retired. And electric delivery vehicles are already built by companies like Rivian and Ford, though I don’t know what the cost difference is.
I would think building a “bespoke” vehicle for USPS would result in more expensive service parts. But I don’t know what kind of service contracts are included with these.
How much water does it normally take to put out a semi fire? Say a tire fire, engine fire, or the entire contents of a semi in flames? I couldn’t find the answer googling, but I did find that combustion engine semis burn at the rate of 7000 per year.
I don’t see how this is any different then standing behind someone who is typing and watching them type on a physical keyboard. If you allow someone to see you typing, there’s no security involved there.
That said, there should be an option (if there’s not one already) to turn off the creepy external googly eyes feature.