• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yeah you are a right wing type.

    War on guns and muh rights and tyranny, it’s all right wing talking points.

    No-one is “waging a war against guns”, it’s a bullshit argument, just like “guns are needed against tyranny”

    What people want is sane gun laws, so that -for example- crazies that want to shoot up schools and such, can’t get their hands on them. I’ll assume you disagree there and you enjoy school shootings and would want to arm teachers because nothing is better than a gun fight in a school hallway, right?

    You’ve never noticed that the gun violence as it is is a uniquely US problem? Doesn’t happen anywhere else in the world at that insane level. Yeah, each country once in a decade or damn near century might experience a mass shooting, the US experiences those at about once a day. The US is also unique in its gun laws that they want as many guns for people as possible. It totally has nothing to do with gun makers having politicians int heir pockets, mixed with people like you who are Brainwashed into actually believing you need guns to protect against the US armed forces

    I’m literally laughing while writing this, because you peope actually believe that a) you’d stand a chance to survive even a minute, and b) you’d actually fight tyranny. Trump literally is claiming multiple times he’ll install himself as a dictator, and his gun loving followers not only love him for it, they just go in and claim democracy is bad.

    All US gun laws have done is cause suffering and death, and yes, guns and ammo should be heavily restricted. That would make your country liveable instead of it being the hell hole it currently is.

  • Science isn’t “deeply flawed”, sorry, that’s nonsense. Are there some players here and there that try and abuse the system, of course. These players are then rooted out and exposed, that’s how it works. If someone tries to hurry research, someone else will discover it.

    This entire “capitalism is the root of all evil” is nonsense too. At its core, it’s the freedom to trade directly with one another and there is nothing wrong with it. Strong rules need to be in place to control that process ans the lack of that is what causes do many issues, especially in the US.

    Just writing on your mobile phone, claiming science is deeply flawed, is just facepalmingly stupid.

  • Whoever posted this meme has a poor understanding of science and isnt anything different than religious nut jobs or conspiracy types denying scientific progress

    I really dislike the types, because they love using the results of science to proclaim their ignorant view points. If you really dislike science so much, for whatever reason, then reject all that comes from it. All the great food we have? Don’t eat it. Don’t wear modern clothes, go live in a cave wearing the skin of a bear or something.