• 458 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Except for the inability to fly, all of its sensors that were working before the accident on flight 72 and both cameras are still fully functional. So they are still capable of sending the charge data from the solar array and the charge state of the battery and temperatures of the motor cores and batteries etc.

    Since flight 72 landed the helicopter has returned 2,362 NavCam images of the ground at the flight 72 landing site from its NavCam, and 36 colour images from its RTE camera, those also featuring the ground, so a total of 2,398 returned so far from the crash site. In total the helicopter has returned 13,945 NavCams and 608 RTE images during its entire mission, all are on the mission image server. (edit typo)

  • At the end of each drive the rover sometimes partially rotates to align its radio antennas towards Earth depending on mission priorities. that partial rotation is performed in place and can leave those nice tracks on the ground in sandy conditions. Knowing the diameter of the wheels and the number of grousers one can readily get a good feel of the scale of the terrain from spacing of those tracks. Getting the sun in the right place to illuminate that scene is just good luck. As a once budding amateur photographer I know what you mean about framing and those occasional artistic shots when everything aligns just right, that’s why the MSL B&W images really tick a lot of boxes for me, something colour images can rarely do for me, B&W images seems to portray the mood and tells the story better for me without the distraction of colour. Here’s an example from Curiosity that ticked all of my boxes a few thousand sols ago :) https://www.flickr.com/photos/105796482@N04/20323716143/