onoira [they/them]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024

  • And it probably would have been better for my mental health growing up if I hadn’t thought “wow if all these adults believe this thing then it must be true and I must just be an idiot” […] Basically the entirety of your hometown, and most of your family members are just delusional. You’re not wrong and they don’t just not believe you because you’re a kid, they just don’t believe in evidence, and there’s no evidence one can use to convince people who don’t believe in evidence.

    for me, the thought was: ‘wow, these are the people who get to have power over me? and they use that power to actively limit my potential and freedom of association? these are the people who keep clawing me away from independence, because they think they know better what’s good for me?’

    it made ageist remarks — particularly the sexist ones — go from irritating to infuriating. disappointment, anger and deep depression, that these people are allowed to have any responsibility at all.

  • when you have an AuDHD student who skips lunch every day to read and work in the library, and all the teachers are conspiracy-thinking fundamentalist yokels who: haven’t studied anything in over two decades; only became teachers so they could have power over children; regurgitate superstitions, fakelore and urban legends; and have no concept of information/media literacy — then it’s very possible to be smarter than your teachers and get regularly put in detention for pointing it out.

    their diplomas would’ve been better used as toiletpaper.

  • i have a ‘non-native’ name which isn’t hard to pronounce but which my coworkers refused to learn, so they started calling me something akin to ‘Jane Doe’ in $language.

    when they were told by HR they can’t do that: they took to the funny ‘joke’ of calling me “the bot” and sometimes referring to me as ‘it’. ‘hey, where’s the documentation on this system?’ ‘idk, ask the bot’ my manager even got on my case about how i shouldn’t ‘use ChatGPT to respond to work messages’ — because i wasn’t using ‘enough emoji’.

    but i’m the immature one for thinking all the NTs i’ve had in my life are insufferable. ok.

  • support a “right to work” instead of UBI. Work is great and it’s more than making money, you achieve self-determination through work etc etc.

    this is common in most of western/northern europe, to the point that most social services for citizens or ‘integration’ support for immigrants ends at employment. the assumption being that any employment is all anyone really needs.

    you’ve been fired from your last three jobs because of your worsening depressive spirals? but it didn’t stop you from getting that temp job last week! do some yoga or something smh.

    you’re a migrant who doesn’t know the local language? well, it didn’t stop you from getting a job! take a night class or something smh.

    you want to switch careers or further your education? but you’re already in a career; clearly your education is fine! attend a conference or something smh.

    you have no friends or family and no freetime to develop your hobbies and interests? but you have a job! get drunk with your coworkers on Fridays or something smh.

    workwork. okiedokie. zugzug.

  • before i left my last job, we were being required to use github copilot.

    this is after i gave them numbers showing that after one month of trialling it:

    • tasks took me the same amount of time on average to complete, but
    • code reviews took twice as long, as:
      • the code was shit.
      • i didn’t understand my ‘own’ code.
      • the code wasn’t idiomatic to our design patterns, and had to be rewritten.

    i already had half a year of experience of successfully wrangling copilot for extrapolating/translating large/repetitive administrative shell/ansible scripts. but for heavy coding tasks — rather than modelling the problem and developing a solution — i was spending the same amount of time effectively letting a JS bootcamp intern (mis)interpret my specifications line-by-line and then i would proofread their mistakes. in a way, this took more time because it left me very little time for self-review before i was under pressure to move on to the next thing.

    the bosses got the same results from the other two people who trialled it, and decided not only to buy into copilot, but to implement chatgpt to automatically write copy and translate it for customers. that went about as well as you might expect.

    i am so fucking done with tech.

  • in most places i’ve lived, my physical neighbours did not want to be known, and did not want to know anyone else, either. granted, most of them really only used their apartments/houses as a very expensive sleeping place and nothing more. they didn’t really live in their houses; it was just where they usually slept between working.

    even when the neighbours were friendly, there were no common spaces and the housing too small to accommodate get-togethers, and no third places to go to. and the friendly neighbours were always apart of the conspicuously racist pensioner cabal.

  • my guess is it was trying to get you to help one of its friends or something.

    that was my first guess, but it didn’t seem like it was leading me anywhere.

    i’m a little worried now.

    I’d have had a good search around the area befriending crows can actually bring you some benifit like shiny gifts

    when i was homeless, i shared my food with a crow. i got them to bring me coins by feeding them double portions when they brought monies.

    or in some cases crow bodyguards as they actually recognise individuals as friends etc.

    that’s my current relationship to the corvids in town. a long time ago i rescued a magpie from two seagulls, and since then all the corvids no longer fly away when i come near them. the magpies even defended me from a seagull one day!

    but they otherwise don’t approach me, and we don’t ‘communicate’.

  • that was my first guess, but after i tried getting back on the path they only kept putting grass on my feet. i tried holding still, backing away, moving toward them, moving back into the grass, making noises, and checked in the bush — it just kept putting grass on me. i didn’t immediately see anything. i was afraid of scaring or upsetting them, so i left.

    someone else suggested they’re a juvenile that doesn’t know how to feed themself.

  • some apps and frontends let you filter posts and comments.

    if you’re in the browser: blocking an instance from your account settings will block postshide communities from that instance. this also has the benefit that you don’t get notified when someone from a blocked instance replies to you or sends you a message.

    to hide comments and other posts in the browser on the default frontend, i use a userstyle:

    /* hides posts */
    .post-listing:has(* > .person-listing[href$="@lemmy.world"])
        display: none;
    /* hides comments and replies */
    .comment-node:has(* > .person-listing[href$="@lemmy.world"]),
    .comment-node:has(* > .person-listing[href$="@lemmy.world"]) + .comments
      display: none;
    * hides post separators in feed.
    * (a) it's more compact this way.
    * (b) they get left behind when hiding posts.
    .my-3 { display: none; }

    EDIT: corrections. more code. put inside a details block.