• 71 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023


  • I am I’m favor of an “open” source license minus profiting off of your forks, which I understand makes the resulting license not open source. In a capitalist system, the capitalist class will take every opportunity to parasitically take where ever possible. Nothing free in a capitalist system, including living. Free development comes at a cost, even iif made purely out of passion.


    I don’t get why people still believe they have to gatekeep the open source definition or how to prevent capitalists from exploiting free labour.

    Life and circumstances aren’t static. They are constantly evolving. Just because capitalists treated open source as a threat, back when it was created, doesn’t mean they didn’t learn how to exploit it and those who work on it. They do now and it’s only natural to evolve and try to find a way to protect from such exploitation.

    To stand still and point fingers at others trying to move forward is conservative, the exact opposite of progress.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • That may be, but buying a Mac Mini is like buying a device made from the ground up for Windows, where any other operating system has to reverse engineer 100% of the things to work well, or you have to emulate another OS on it (which comes with its own pitfalls), and it’s 200+€ more expensive than its nearest equivalent.

    Every single company I’ve worked at which introduced Apple Silicon to its developers has had headaches with compatibility. The worst I’ve seen was it taking a developer a month to get up and running because the specific component we used didn’t have a build for the specific ARM architecture. Multipass, UTM, podman, docker desktop, all didn’t work until colima and forcing the VM to emulate x86 + forcing docker in the VM to use the x86 image worked. There was a persistent problem with disk IO since it used 9p or whatever. Installing dependencies from scratch meant waiting 30 minutes on the M2.

    Why pay a premium for less compatibility and worse specs? Just get yourself something that works, which is cheaper, maybe even supports a company that invests in Linux and its ecosystem, and be able to ask an existing developer community instead of asking the subsection of linux users that run your specific app on however you’re running linux on Appe hardware.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • Uff, I don’t have any links and haven’t been tuned in too much, but amid all the toxicity on the forums, the nixos foundation got funding from some defense contractor and that kicked off a shitstorm. The forums became even more toxic than before with pro and anti defense contractors, which led to an open letter attacking the creator of nix and threatening with a fork.

    Amongst all of that a nixos maintainer called jonringer became a polarising character and was banned (?) temporarily. He recently wanted to join again and that kicked up the dust again and it’s likely he won’t be able to contribute anymore.

    A bunch of stuff happened in between like the creator of nix stepping down from his position (Benevolent Dictator For Life or something? dunno), many maintainers quitting, the foundation kind of giving in to the anti defense contractor crowd but the crowd not being satisfied and the pro-camp neither. A fork called auxolotl was created, but they don’t want jonringer in it either, and probably other stuff.

    It feels like jonringer has a few people behind him but I don’t know if he would have enough support to fork nixos 🤷

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • The problem with Mac hardware is that it’s ARM and vertically integrated with everything Apple. Not all hardware is supported by Linux because Apple won’t write any linux drivers and everything is reverse engineered. You’re better off buying something non-Apple which linux properly supports.

    If power consumption is an issue for you get, a R9 7950X consumes as much and at times less power than an M1/M2 (I think even M3). Check out GamerNexus’s charts. IINM AMD in W/Ghz performs better than Intel across the board.

    No idea where you are, but you can get a small factor PC from one of the vendors that preload linux, or configure a small form factor PC of your liking for cheap and put linux on it. You’ll get more out of your money for the same or better performance with about the same energy consumption (or a bit more).
    Somebody I know who happens to live in Hungary got himself this cheap beauty. They deliver all over Europe, but if you live elsewhere on this planet, there probably is something similar like this out there.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • There is no way to completely protect ourselves from cyber attacks, but at least we can avoid software with an “opinion.”

    Well… everybody has an opinion. It’s inevitable as thinking beings. The difference is whether people are willing to act upon it.

    There are many projects with a Code Of Conduct out there that could be interpreted as very left leaning. There are projects with the express purpose of fighting subjugation or helping journalists’ ability to report on political topics. Signal is an example of such a project. Are those projects to be avoided too?

    Anti Commercial-AI license