just a weird little guy

  • 35 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2022


  • So i’m just gonna say a few things, If this issue is me being MIA and not appointing other mods, okay that’s a fair criticism, I should have been logging in/posting more, but I’m going to respond to a some other points.

    The reason I chose this instance is because of the limited options available, aside from my personal affinities towards solarpunk, and reality is joining a US centric general instance would be more hostile towards this community because they are likely aligned with Biden Administration and liberalism. I don’t get why this not being a US centric instance would be a problem on a federated network.

    For the record I am an anarchist and my promotion of a third party candidate is as protest against the 2 party system – particularly because they’re the only candidate that advocates on behalf of Palestine – for me at least it’s the same of supporting someone like Vermin Supreme , obviously the guy isn’t going to win, the point is subverting the election ( which is a totalitarian media spectacle) and utilizing it as means of propagating socialist ideas.

    So i don’t see how supporting a candidate who will definitely not win is reproducing hierarchical electoral politics, since doing so indicates the futility of electoral politics itself. That argument seems like an overly dogmatic misinterpretation of anarchist principles.

  • I say wait for election day and flip a coin, that’s basically how elections are determined, the arbitrary whims of the margin of people in swing states who go out to vote or not. You’re individual vote does not make any difference in the absence of mass organized action, and the Democrats are terrified of exactly that kind of mass organization because otherwise they wouldn’t be so secure in running corporate puppets like Biden.

  • If you wanna be realistic about it Voting in any state other than a swing state is basically ‘throwing your vote away’ : Vote Blue in a Blue State you’re just throwing it in a pile, Vote Blue in a Red State it’s just as much a symbolic protest vote as anything else. Only in a swing state will your Vote make a tangeable difference which is why those are the only states either party even campaigns in for the most part.