• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I was the same way. IMO, philosophy is WAY underrated. If the takeaway from intro to philosophy courses is ancient Greeks had some strange ideas about atoms and such, that is missing the point. Below is for anyone that has never touched philosophy at all.

    Ethics is NOT what the corporate ethics things say about following the rules. Ethics in this context would raise the question of whether always following company rules is the right thing to do? Is right and wrong objective or subjective? Is something right in some contexts but wrong in others? Which system of thought should you be using (consequentialism, virtue, deontological)? I was just following orders when I murdered those people! By our laws it was legal, therefore right! It is a great way to persuade people and make decisions.

    Epistemology is absolutely key to critical thinking. How do you determine what you know vs what you merely believe? Can you trust that error message is accurate? Can you trust your memory? Personal experience? It is a great way to build a world class bullshit detector.

    Metaphysics gets you to think about things at a more foundational level. Think about a stop sign. Is it a red octogon with stop in white letters? Not everywhere. It could be a cop or crossing guard with their hand out. It could be a red light. It could be a red sign that isn’t an octogon at all. It is a great way to learn to challenge your assumptions about the nature of the world and things.

  • They get paid 274k…DC is expensive, but anyone that can’t live very comfortably on that is awful with money. Being awful with money will lose you a TS clearance because it makes you susceptible to bribery by spies. I would think it would also be a disqualifier for a SCOTUS judge for the same reason.

    I think maintaining a TS clearance should be a requirement for all positions above a certain level in the federal government. Not because they need access to TS information, but to ensure they are at a lower risk of bribery, adversarial interests, and criminal activity. Getting a TS clearance isn’t terribly hard. Just generally have your act together. As long as you aren’t a train wreck, a drug addict, a criminal, an untrustworthy asshat, or have connections to adversaries, you will pass adjudication. TLDR: A TS clearance would ensure high level government employees are minimumly functional humans.

  • TCNs, or third country nationals. People from neither the US or locals.

    From my understanding the reason why is the almighty dollar. They don’t get paid nearly as much as our troops and contractors, but still a lot more than they would make at home. There is quite a bit of info about it if you do a quick search.