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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Every year became a competition, and it was unsustainable. Companies could spend millions on their presentation only to “lose” and get their reveals drowned out because Sony announced FF7 or Microsoft got Elder Scrolls etc. On all sides there was a rush to be the winner of the year, and it led to more and more CGI trailers of things 5+ years away just for the big reveal moment. I imagine both Sony and Microsoft would prefer to announce individual games as they come throughout the year, so their reveal is the only big gaming news of the week and everyone is talking about it.

  • My favourite memory is playing Freedom Unite solo, and finally reaching G rank on my own. It’s a tough game, and making it that far without being carried was the most satisfying moment in any game for me. When I first started Freedom 2 (the previous version) I struggled to hunt even basic small monsters, and looking back on that journey made the 200+ hour playtime completely worth it for me. I think G rank took another 100 on top of that lol.

  • I hop weapons a lot, but always fall back on SnS. For the longest time I avoided SnS since it was treated by the community back then as a weak beginner weapon and something players upgrade from once they learn how to play, but I love its versatility. It’s the most comfortable for me when learning new fights due to its speed and precision, and there are always tons of weapons to build and play with since raw/element/status are all viable. Wide range para SnS when playing with friends is always fun.

  • My ex at the time picked up Freedom 2 not long after launch, and I asked him about it after seeing it sat on his shelf. He gave me it to keep since he got so frustrated with the controls and not knowing what to do, but I fell in love. I sucked at the game, but would spend hours gathering materials and building new gear to try out. Since then I’ve played all of the localised games, as well as fan translations and the recent private servers for 1/Tri and Frontier. Can’t wait to try out the online for Dos too.