
cio of chen weihua fanclub 👺 she/they tme


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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2024


  • iceberg moment or whatever but the first movie had insufferable fandom 🫠

    movie itself was fine, both 2 and 1 have some kid-level basically fart jokes or whatever, overall agree that the direction had/has younger target audience

    animation nerd opinions //

    I prefer Lightchasers’ dieselpunk take on nezha (New Gods: Nezha Reborn 2021) which came out similar same time as Coco Animation’s Nezha 2019, and big fan of Lightchaser’s fengshen (investiture of the gods) “cinematic universe” // note, Coco Animation 可可豆动画 also has their own line/takes on fengshen (investiture of the gods), Jiang Ziya 2020 was really good tbh I liked that better than the first Nezha film

  • Don’t know if we’ll be seeing chinese scientists in US under house arrest or worse again (hopefully not) but, for those unfamiliar: 钱学森 Qian Xuesen co-founded NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1940s), later got the attention of McCarthy-ites and his family was subject to basically house arrest and surveillance for 5 years (deferred deportation), went back to China and led a bunch of programs and never looked back, became known as the “Father of Chinese Rocketry”.

    the US attracted brain drain candidates for decades now, but would soon rather let anticommunism and racism get the better of them again and repeat the same “mistakes” and shoot themselves in the foot… honestly better for the Chinese people who can and did return as sinophobia ramps up (and probably will continue apace again in Trump’s 2nd term, not that the western media didn’t try to elevate sinophobia during Biden’s term between Pelosi’s flight to Taiwan, weather balloon, accusing zoo of fielding a man in a suit as a sunbear, etc). Space Race then, chips/AI now (article mentions Mr Sun returned during Trump’s first term, motivated by the racist ‘China Initiative’)

  • further discourse for people interested: Can the Chinese Diaspora Speak?

    linked article goes more into specifically chinese americans but I believe analysis should be applicable to other groups of imperial core diaspora. The article is already long, but I think more complete analysis would include mention more recent history & developments, such as dissident industrial complex [related to 6-4 and operation yellowbird, but also beyond], and prominence of FLG cult and integration with US right wing, as well as discussion of religion (per my own experience “church asians” are much more vehemently anti-China, and community or lack thereof is also related to recent decades shuttering of Chinese cultural centers while Chinese language churches have taken up their emptied niche as social centers)

  • finished the video and was a little bit annoyed because it focused on anecdotal rather than analytical, which the title suggested it would do. Please I know there’s a lot of content featuring domestic conditions in China, it’s good. But with that kind of title, I thought it would go more into the manufacture of sinophobia, how the sausage is made… because frankly, diaspora who hold the sinophobia torch in the west are under-discussed. From Ai Weiwei and Chai Ling to falun gong media empire (hi David Zhang) and certain YA novel authors, news reporters with a Chinese face spreading sinophobic tropes… I recognize that these individuals or groups have amassed credence and power in the west, but ! oh my god. Oh my god it is everywhere.

  • my observation as ABC is that most of my peers (other ABCs) can’t read Chinese and have fossilized speaking/listening skills, if they retain much at all. There is some “blame” on parents pushing kids to focus on English, or the education system or other society things, but the fact of the matter is at least for me anecdotally, Chinese language weekend schools (designed for native speakers) I attended start off with a lot of kids in the beginner/lower levels (30+) but very few sticks with it all that long. Grade 11/12 and HSK class we only had 7 people iirc, and this was more than 10 years ago. I didn’t even want to attend, being Chinese and doing culturally Chinese things were uncool and made it really awkward to try to make friends in white society, as well as took time away from socializing as a teen. I’m glad I stuck with it, however I will say that efforts towards Chinese literacy was more due to efforts I made as an adult, but I’m very grateful that my parents tried and it gave me a decent foundation.

    Another thing is, even as recently as 10-15 years ago, China was still very much developing country, homeless could still be seen begging on the streets and income inequality especially with lots of migrant workers from rural areas - surface level observations but very visually prominent, which could lead someone to think that China is backwards or communism is a fraud or failure. Additionally during that era my relatives were abuzz about corruption in government officials and my understanding from them was that moving up in society was about who you knew 关系. So these things reinforced my left-liberal position for a long time, didn’t start shaking it off until the pro-dem HK situation in 2019 and atrocity fabrication in XUAR.

  • if you want general history, there’s a relatively comprehensive docu-series produced by CCTV6 from 2013 called 中国通史 General History of China (100 episodes). However it’s in Mandarin Chinese, so not very podcast-able if you don’t understand Mandarin, but there are english subs available (on a quick search, and a brief glance they look decent) and IMO the artifacts and depictions are worth the watch. If anything it might be a good launching point if you wanted to look into more specific topics, for example, philosophy which is often intertwined with religion and civics in Chinese history, or historic literature.

    EDIT: found an english dub on youtube ^^ just search “general history of china eng dub”

    EDIT AGAIN: comrade linked it below ^^