logflume [they/them]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • Once they become filthy rich, they have become part of the bourgeoisie. Hy filthy rich, I mean those that could stop working and simply live off of their “investments”. Classes in Marxism are not as rigid as say castes in India - the petit bourgeois class is a transitional class. You may be born a proletariat, but there is the tiniest sliver of hope that you could one day become bourgeois (what a joke).

    Money itself is ownership. That is the allure of capitalism. Why does money accumulate interest in a HYSA? Is it doing work? You get paid dividends from stocks and stocks too appreciate over time. What are stocks but units of ownership? Earn enough and you are finally free.

    As for those that are well off but not filthy rich, sure, they’re either petit bourgeois or labor aristocrats. I’d say most labor aristocrats have no real hope of actually having enough money to be considered bourgeois, so they are firmly proletariats. There’s probably a number, but I don’t know what that number is.

  • I’m willfully ignorant about topics I don’t care about. I also don’t participate in discussions about those topics - like car people? I don’t give a shit about cars. Don’t talk to me about your WRX 5000 with a 1 horse engine or whatever.

    Liberals pretend to care about politics and history or whatever but when presented with a single fact, they immediately ooze slime. It’s not even really clear what their motive is? At least, I understand the motives of a white supremacist. They want me to die. But a liberal? They want to die, but want to make it explicitly clear that while they want me to die they don’t care that I die? What?

  • Can someone explain to me the liberal propensity for willful ignorance? Liberals supposedly pride themselves on “intellectualism” but consistently reject basic facts about reality.

    Because of this, I legitimately have more disdain for liberals than outright fascists (disgust and hatred being different emotions of course). These fucking worms. These weaselly little shits. Fascists at least have the wherewithal to be intentionally wrong for nefarious reasons, but liberals are intentionally stupid - for what? The only conclusion I can come up with is that they’re fascists that aren’t smart enough to know that they’re fascists.