lilypad [she/her, undecided]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • (cw misogyny) Not AP, but my gov/econ teacher went on a long rant one class about how he knows the reason misogyny exists,

    and that it was because women give birth, and that because of that their bodies need to be biologically weaker and need to be taken care of so they can take care of babies, and so it was only natural that men were protectors, and thus it was only natural that men get upset with women when they provide and then only get more mouths in return. He wasnt explicitly saying women deserved misogyny, but his whole rant was steeped in that attitude and justified with bioessentialism.

    Very normal thoughts he had visible-disgust

  • smelling

    This is the #1 way to cook imo. Sometimes I pull things out of the spice cabinet and people look at me like im crazy. But then it tastes delicious! Just dont overdo it, i try to stay under 5 spices max for a given dish.

    Also just understanding substitutions is good, like fish sauce and worchestershire is close enough in a lot of situations. Or rosmary and timian.

    Also, make sure you have an acid in your food! I love lime juice or vinnegar for this. Needs to not be too much, but a little is important. Also thats just my taste lol.

  • Start lightly carmelizing onions in a pan. Once theyre lightly carmelized throw in some garlic and whatever spices might be good for what youre making. Make sure theres enough oil, as spices tend to soak it up and you want to temper them in oil, not burn them. Throw in some tomatoes that have been quartered (or cut into eighths), and cook it all together. This makes a good tomato type base, you can fill it out with more tomato, or water, really whatever liquid youd like.

    Alternatively dont put in tomato and instead add some a bunch of like ginger and chili and whatnot (or whatever stuff is in your favorite curry paste), and throw in some coconut cream to get a really good curry base. Bring to a simmer and cook your veggies and protein in it, serve over rice.

    When in doubt, smell your spices and oils and sauces, and if they smell like they match, go for it. Youll find good combinations that way. Half my recipes just have “green spices” or “red spices” or “ginger et al” in the ingredients list cause i just go by smell half the time.

    Also, remember sesame oil as a finishing oil, tastes amazing ^^

    You can also cook sauces and things in wine for to get its taste ^^ use red for tomato based things, white for fish, etc. Wine ends up in half my sauces.

  • Just my thoughts, maybe I’m real wrong, but:

    Every candidate will be at minimum slightly different than ones platonic ideal candidate, but a vote for them is still a blanket endorsement of their politics and policies. We cannot vote for someone and say “I only support this aspect of their policies”, rather, we can only say “I believe that this aspect of their policies outweighs these other aspects.” In this hypothetical case of a government worker, that statement becomes “I believe that my continued employment for the government under this future administration outweighs the continuation of the genocide being committed and inflicted upon Palestinians”.

    It is important to recognize and grapple with the fact that by existing in the US and participating in the social systems of the US we are contributing to this genocide, some of us in small ways some in large; we must critically consider how we can minimize our contribution and how we can actively work against the states actions. However recognition of our being held hostage like this does not justify explicitly supporting genocide. A vote is an explicit act, and is an endorsement of the politics of the person and party being voted for.