And the current government wants to ease gun restrictions. What a joke of a government
And the current government wants to ease gun restrictions. What a joke of a government
The PS1 game is awesome
I think they should just cook for the staff and teachers too. Doesn’t cost that much extra
Wow cool. Hangon. Why isn’t this part of gnome?
Cis level 2 hardening
I think they need to simplify it just a tad. There are so many buttons to press
Try finding games on fdroid.
She might find some she likes in gcompris
Always love me some Game Sack
Good on them doing it themself.
I use an electric fly swat and I fed the ones I kill to the ants
You forgot to add… While that imported labour is scared they will get deported so they don’t complain they are underpaid or taken advantage of. Just how the corporation’s want it
Be a responsible owner and don’t let your cat go outside. After you follow him to where he got it from last time
Good to take breaks when going long distances, it’s a good opportunity for business to pop up also. Make it the journey. Not the destination. Maybe if the charging is able to be dropped to 30 mins would be a better time.
Can’t wait for this game to release
Recently I’ve had the urge to watch Batman forever just for a movie where I don’t have to think, eat snacks, and have a relaxing evening
Don’t use a pressure washer.
A better way is to actually raise the crossing.