If you like the many sounds and subgenres of alternative hip-hop right now check out my music, it would mean the world to me! https://youtube.com/channel/UCrn_sciMAe4NOGg8qH2PlBA Most stuff on Spotify and Soundcloud too!!!


JLGS 137


  • 12 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 14th, 2022


  • Lucid dreaming and astral projection and contact of the 5th kind and bad drugs and occult practices led to paranormal experiences and negative experiences with sleep and dreaming which led to me smothering my dreams and training myself to instantly wake up if i begin dreaming. Since those years, i have slowly tip toed around dreaming again, i can tell i still have reflexive safe guards that dampen my dreaming ability.

    If you want to dream more, one tried and tested trick people have learned: when you do dream, make sure to take note of it immediately, tell someone about it immediately. Preferably both vocally and in writing. Over time this will lead to more dreams…and more lucidity, which for most people is a fun or interesting plus.

  • Hell yes, and then you’re a comrade who can feed people. That’s an invaluable asset to the movement, and whatever it will grow into during that time. We are trained to be docile, the fascists are trained to fantasize about killing all day long. We are surpressed, they are enabled. When shit hits the fan, the Left will be vitalized, there will be no choice, it will even be reactionary in many ways. We are meant to be the cadres that ensure the revolution is MList in nature, and that our friends and family survive. I do not think we will be able to exploit any momentum effectively until the federal gov’t starts seriously waning, and yes the fascists will have all the prep, the initiative. We’re gonna take an uppercut in the opening scenes. It’s okay. We will wipe the blood off our face and get up and try over and over until we get it right.

  • Huh? Who?

    I can see a couple downvotes so I might have upset someone, so for some context:

    The mod was a she/her with an anime girl pfp. My name on there was KiG V2, I’m that everywhere. I genuinely can’t remember the nature of what got me banned, I think it was, like, I said something contentious, I was having a civil discussion with a few others, the mod stepped in with a very different tone and was like “you’re wrong shut up,” I just talked to them like anybody else just tried to very plainly and politely speak my piece, I guess this was intolerable because I was immediately permabanned.

    I messaged two separate people from the incident, they assured me that I did nothing wrong and that her behavior was regularly a petty “my way or the highway” type deal, that it was less about me breaking a rule and more about me insulting her personally for not being immediately defferent. Which is, in my experience, pretty typical Discord mod behavior (no hate if any of the mods etc here are also mods on Discord, I like all the mods here everybody strikes me as reasonable, not power tripping brats like that one).

    I don’t know, it happened, like, a year ago I think.