• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • To actually read how they did it, here is there model page: https://huggingface.co/gradientai/Llama-3-8B-Instruct-Gradient-1048k


    • meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct as the base
    • NTK-aware interpolation [1] to initialize an optimal schedule for RoPE theta, followed by empirical RoPE theta optimization
    • Progressive training on increasing context lengths, similar to Large World Model [2] (See details below)


    We build on top of the EasyContext Blockwise RingAttention library [3] to scalably and efficiently train on contexts up to 1048k tokens on Crusoe Energy high performance L40S cluster.

    Notably, we layered parallelism on top of Ring Attention with a custom network topology to better leverage large GPU clusters in the face of network bottlenecks from passing many KV blocks between devices. This gave us a 33x speedup in model training (compare 524k and 1048k to 65k and 262k in the table below).


    For training data, we generate long contexts by augmenting SlimPajama. We also fine-tune on a chat dataset based on UltraChat [4], following a similar recipe for data augmentation to [2].

  • That’s according to a peer-reviewed study funded by the Ford Motor Company, a company that makes most of its profits from gas-powered vehicles.

    If you want to see if a tech is part of a renewable future, it is direct emissions that should be counted. EVs are at zero. They don’t emit CO2 when running, when being produced or when being disposed of. They use electricity and transport, two things that we can provide without emitting CO2. They are a piece of the puzzle of a sustainable society, something thermal cars will never be, and something these graphs hide.

    Of course we will be better off without cars and trucks, but the road towards them being totally gone is long, and it is time we don’t have.

  • it unusual for someone to get things this wrong this consistently.

    At least we agree on something.

    And once again your assumptions about my situation and my work ethics are hilariously wrong. I am cutting down my income in order to work non-profit on issues I do care about and turn down offers by unethical companies routinely. I am a freelance who changes client pretty often. My income does not depend on the acceptance of an ideology, I made sure of that and that was a reason for becoming independent.

    I am sure I am not the first person you are antagonizing through your own projections. You should really be more careful about assuming things about the people who contradict you. Sometimes they just do it because you are wrong. Being more open to that possibility would make your life much better.

  • I use it almost daily.

    It does produce good code. It does not reliably produce good code. I am a programmer, it makes my job 10x faster and I just have to fix a few bugs in the code it usually generates. Over time, I learned what it is good at (UI code, converting things, boilerplate) and what it struggles with (anything involving newer tech, algorithmic understanding, etc.)

    I often refer to it as my intern: It acts like an academically trained, not particularly competent, but very motivated, fast typing intern.

    But then I am also working on the field. Prompting it correctly is too often dismissed as a skill (I used to dismiss it too). It needs more understanding than people give it credit for.

    I think that like many IT tech it will go from being a dev tool to everyday tool gradually.

    All the pieces of the puzzle to be able to control a computer by voice using only natural language are there. You don’t realize how big it is. Companies haven’t assembled it yet because it is actually harder to monetize on it than code it. I think probably Apple is in the best position for it. Microsoft is going to attempt and will fail like usual and Google will probably put a half-assed attempt at it. I’ll personally go for the open source version of it.