Interesting, my phone just disabled Google calendar due to my pressing and holding on the icons. Can’t help but wonder if these events are related.
They might be since I refuse to get up with fleas after lying down with nazi hounds…
Interesting, my phone just disabled Google calendar due to my pressing and holding on the icons. Can’t help but wonder if these events are related.
They might be since I refuse to get up with fleas after lying down with nazi hounds…
In not at all related news disabling Google maps on your Android device can often be a source of delight! I never knew how capable organic maps was and it has a very nice auto integration.
Weak-ass flow could never hold a candle to DOOM (rip).
Or Posdnous.
Or J-live.
Or Black Thought.
Or Pharoah Monch.
Or Grand Pubah.
Or Chubb Rock.
Or Masta Ace.
Or… …the point is I could fucking go on here for a bit and not run out of talent that not only eclipses Kanye, but precedes him and will outlast the relative dryer lint he’s contributed to our shared culture. He’s garbage.
Mmmmmgar… mmmmmbhaaauge.
I agree, and this is, in my opinion, the best evidence that the brain acts as a rationalization engine more than one of cognition. IE: “feelings don’t care about your facts”. I also don’t expect us to realize this while it’s occuring in our brains, affecting what we laughably call our “judgement”.
So did Frank Zappa, so did Christopher Hitchens, so did many many others. Did we listen or did we compile the best of their material into top-10 moment videos on YouTube?
Yeah that’s the thing with being a transparent, transactional, narcissistic senile, misogynistic serial grifter. We kinda know you’re up to no good because you telegraph all your intentions.
Is any but the most gullible conservative Canadian fooled by the one month pause? This fucker is coming for our land, our sons and daughters and he will not be dissuaded save by terms he understands.
Just in time for the hero to save the day with the ol’ UV lung-bleach-brush combo move and horse dewormer aperitif.
No one seems to be considering the intersection of increased access to firearms (which, regardless of their intent, would happen) and a radicalized population.
Wait, you mean the constantly flowing pipeline of low-brow cultural sewage that they hawk to the world doesn’t tickle your fancy?
Reality shows that have no resemblance to reality?
Love in pods?
The Kardashians?
Survivor? Let’s take that one. You think anyone watches that to see the winner? Why not just have one episode then? No. Americans LOVE a loser. They identify most closely to losers, because that is their nature.
A river of shit, from a SHIT HOLE COUNTRY, worshipping their rejects and losers, deserving of all the scorn that’s shortly inbound.
Now the only question is what to product to market with that trademark that will cause those barely sentient man-shaped shitsacs the most pain. Poor quality lube? Doilies? A DEI handbook prominently featuring interracial couples? It’s worth spending the time to do it right.
Apologists who sit down at the same table as the Nazis are equivocal to the pre-seated Nazis. Zero sympathy.
Purge and lance the boil.
Americans: look north you twits.
Hey does Pepperidge farms remember all the fucking morons on Lemmy urging not to vote for Harris because she was allegedly complicit in genocide? I sure as shit do.
Know what’s gonna be objectively worse, 100% regardless of the veracity those allegations? The reality that they helped forge instead.
Thus week on: The A-hole in the K-hole…
💯 not even island nations are islands.
Well I can’t, but my point is actually having the opposite perspective: that even a well integrated world economy will eventually experience truly awful times, and, eventually, collapse. I didn’t mean to suggest isolationism was inherently better, apologies for any ambiguous wording.
Why isn’t the puny, petulant man-thing that runs the Nazicar Factory not suing us all for not buying them? That’s how you deal with advertisers who don’t wanna advertise with him so why not consumers who don’t want to consume?
It’s the next stupid, asinine step.
I hope anyone who ever admired this fuck face is deeply embarrassed. Or losing money.
Yeah I was gonna say like why are we even workshopping the name with a winner like that. Get this employee a bonus check!