But Torvalds is from Soviet Finland [SF]
By Audioscrobbler, which merged later with last.fm
No alias, just topgrade
Kammerflimmer Kollektief
Glass Beams
Bohren und der Club of Gore
does this and and a lot more
“This project is not an open source project as a result.”
Carcass at Rose Club, Cologne, Aug 24 1991
It was so intensive and hot, Sweat dropped from the ceiling, People ordered water to dump it over their head
git for MySQL https://github.com/dolthub/dolt
Also useful for archiving:
where is the beef?
AFAIK the steamboat willie version of Mickey which is public domain now wears no gloves
my dirty method with wget, fzf, pueue and yt-dlp put this in e.g. .bashrc
myytdlq () { wget -k $1 -O /tmp/myytdl.tmp; cat /tmp/myytdl.tmp | perl -pe 's/\"/\n\"\n/g; s/\\u002F/\//g;' | grep -v hoerfassung | sort
-u | fzf -m --query "http video" | cat > /tmp/myytdlq; export MYYTDLQ=$(cat /tmp/myytdlq); clear; echo $MYYTDLQ; for i in $MYYTDLQ; do
pueue add -- "yt-dlp --restrict-filenames --output '%(extractor_key)s-%(title).40s.%(ext)s' $i"; done }
and use it with the url of the series
myytdlq https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/113212-001-A/this-is-england-86-1-4/
On Firefox I use the tampermonkey extension to trigger javascript with a little overlay bar which is shown on the rendered website. I used an AI prompt to generate the userscript.