hungrybread [comrade/them]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2021


  • What’s the deal with Stein? I periodically see that she sucks or is a grifter, but usually it’s a dem who is pissed she might “split the vote.”

    From what I’ve seen of her platform she actually has many concrete, progressive goals with pretty specific carve outs for of various largely overlooked groups of people. It’s not like she’s explicitly for landback or dissolving Israel and the US, but definitely leagues better (on paper) than the dems.

    All that being said, I’m voting for Claudia and Karina for an explicitly socialist platform. Ngl though, I wish the PSL vote socialist website had a long list of concrete points like the Stein website does.

  • With the right button, you’ve got MLK and Mother Theresa taking turns to punch it.

    Well yeah, “the right button” could be anything. The button could have been “push this and Jewish Israeli people can live anywhere on earth safely and perpetually at peace with their neighbors.” It doesn’t even have to be anything about Israelis, religion, the region, it’s a fucking hypothetical.

    Instead, the button is “kill millions of people that inconvenience me”. It doesn’t resolve anything for the country - they’re still at odds with a large number of neighboring countries. It doesn’t completely remove their inconvenience - settlers would still need to settle the stolen and destroyed land (even if the button just evaporated humans, Gaza is effectively uninhabitable).

    They just want to talk about killing an entire people on their, apparently, large platform.

  • I’m a habitual lurker on forums, but the few times I’ve posted/commented here have 100% been better experiences than any other site I’ve used. It’s nice to use a site that doesn’t make me feel disconnected from reality for seeing the obvious and daily indignations millions-to-billions are forced to live through just because the currently dominant economic model insists this is justthewayitis. Its really validating knowing i can trust my own eyes. The only other place I’ve been that is similar is irl organizing, which I’ve not been able to do for some time now unfortunately (and, long story short, had locally become dominated with very electoral and liberal ideas, which was incredibly disheartening).

    It’s great browsing a site that can both validate these frequent observations of systemic failure while continuing to challenge my own worldview. Before browsing here and lemmygrad I had felt like an “internationalist,” but in the last few years here I’ve started realizing how big the imperial core blinders really are. I don’t necessarily know what to do with that yet, but it’s something I’m working on and probably ought to just discuss on here at some point.

    Plus, I always appreciate the way federated users are treated when they cruise by to spout bs imperial core takes (usually dressed up as if they’re subversive in some way lmao).

    I’m trying to post and comment more because yall seem pretty cool, I just usually don’t have much to add.

  • Definitely depends on the area and a handful of variables, but I feel like there’s an environmental argument to be had for frequent good deliveries to households.

    It could be scheduled in a similar way as waste management and households just put in a recurring order that they could update every week with one off needs. Heck, it could even get fancy and offer to let you pick your produce at the door or van. It could be door-to-door or block-by-block with assistance for people that need it.

    If this was a socially supported and accepted model for getting basic goods then a non-small amount of car trips would just not happen.

    It would be really interesting if someone with a background in this and access to relevant numbers could see if something like that would be beneficial, or could think outside the box for other ways to make spread out metropolitan life slightly less environmentally shit (with the caveat that significant structural changes still need to happen obv).

  • Exactly, dollar general tends to be in poorer neighborhoods but is expensive as shit. At least around here, they only get business by being the only place to buy basic necessities.

    There was one a block away from a homeless encampment a few of us were working with, and some of their basics were 50-100% more than the neighboring parts of town. There is a little public transport in this city, but definitely not adequate for most people to be able to use it for errands. Of course people in these neighborhoods are always running out of money, Dollar General is picking their pockets.

    Unrelated, but the ice box outside was not only locked, it was just straight up off. This was during an extended heat wave. A worker mentioned that corporate stopped sending ice because it had been getting stolen. Just overall a shitty store to have to deal with.

  • He seems like a really good dude. It’s easy to tell you two had something special. I’m really sorry for your loss.

    The first dog my partner and I adopted passed 2 years ago. He was similar to your buddy - he always wanted to do what we were doing. He had a few favorite people and hated literally everyone else.

    Honestly, he was a real shit head that caused us a ton of anxiety (soooo aggressive despite our best efforts), but he was our shit head. I don’t miss the anxiety of walking him but I miss everything else, even the sometimes-scary stuff. He was full of surprises and kept them coming until his last days.

    Sorry for hijacking, just been thinking about him a lot the last few days.

    I wish there was something we could say to make things easier for you. I’m sure he felt all the love you have for him every day. He sounds like a hoot.

    Rest in peace, friend.